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Sad Little Kills Today For My 304k Mile 850t...lol


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I only use my wagon for "he started it" races involving pushy drivers who think they are gonna blow away soccer mom car. I'm not baiting them, but if I see some jackass trying to pull stupid stuff, I won't hesitate to give 'em some as long as it is in a safe area. Today, there were 2 of them. :D

The first one was a black Chevy Z71 pickup with an exhaust who would not get off my jerk. He's slowing down and speeding up, riding me the whole time though a 35mph zone in town with heavy traffic. He attempted a pass in a left-turn lane and was promptly shut down and blew through the light on the wrong side to save face and cut the car in front of me off. Usually, that would have been enough and I would have let the jerk go, but we ended up near each other again. We are at another 2 lane light,with both going straight. He's behind a TDI Jetta that is c-r-a-w-l-i-n-g along, so I pull into the passing lane and blow past both of them. He tries to pull out but the lane had already ended and he thinks better of it. I have a completely open road up ahead while he gets stuck behind said Jetta doing about 35-40mph in a 55mph zone for a good mile before I turned off. Priceless.

The next one was better because the other car was a clean white 940 Turbo. He pulled out behind me and I see him move over into the right lane pretty quickly like he thought it would be quicker or something. I keep looking over,thinking maybe he's a Volvo fan and cool or something,but never does. Ok, whatever,we'll see if he jumps at the green light. Yep,he did,so I eased into it with my ultra-responsive 304k mile automatic tranny (yes,this is all sarcasm) and then floored it around 15mph and said bye-bye. He drove by after and smashed a couple of beer cans together like Stone Cold Steve Austin and proceeded to throw one over to me and we chugged away,happily ever after (ok,that didn't happen either,but it made this post slightly more entertaining maybe). :rolleyes:

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hey..i enjoy this story better than most posted on here

HAHA, nice one, I hate wankers on the road, in the area I live there is a China town, constant double parking, accidents and ppl driving into one way streets in the wrong direction, funny thing is, when my Chinese buddy is driving he gets the shits the most cursing and sayin bloody Asian drivers. :lol: ,quite ironic.

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He drove by after and smashed a couple of beer cans together like Stone Cold Steve Austin and proceeded to throw one over to me and we chugged away,happily ever after (ok,that didn't happen either,but it made this post slightly more entertaining maybe). :rolleyes:

HAHAHA! Yes, a great addition to the story.

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No such thing as a sad kill when your ODO reads 304,000 miles...most of the cars you're racing will be at the crusher well before 300k miles! B)

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