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Swedish Text Translation Please


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Can anyone do the Babelfish thingy with this? I get the "I have a new email address" ... Apparetly from Radicast to Reproglas (?). The rest of it, which may be the ticket, is too tough for my rusty Danish experiance to handle.


Jag har bytt mailadress nu, eftersom att företaget heter Radicast så skall inte mailadressen sluta på reproglas.com (som var det tidigare namnet när vi bara tillverkade glas)

Nya adressen du når mig på är daniel(snabel-a)radicast(punkt) se jag skriver inte ut hela mailadressen, för att undvika skräpmail.

VIVA no longer carris the V70 wiper hole caps and my rig just got kissed by an errant Humvee. Not sure what the rsponse was to my request to source them from the OEM.

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Can anyone do the Babelfish thingy with this? I get the "I have a new email address" ... Apparetly from Radicast to Reproglas (?). The rest of it, which may be the ticket, is too tough for my rusty Danish experiance to handle.


Jag har bytt mailadress nu, eftersom att företaget heter Radicast så skall inte mailadressen sluta på reproglas.com (som var det tidigare namnet när vi bara tillverkade glas)

Nya adressen du når mig på är daniel(snabel-a)radicast(punkt) se jag skriver inte ut hela mailadressen, för att undvika skräpmail.

VIVA no longer carris the V70 wiper hole caps and my rig just got kissed by an errant Humvee. Not sure what the rsponse was to my request to source them from the OEM.

He says that the old e-mail address is not used. It was from when the company made only glass. His new e-mail address is danielATradicastDOTse (he explains that he wrote it that way to prevent spambots).

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Hey Sean

Is it you mastering the Swedish, or are you getting help from somewhere?

Btw, I will try to make it to Nick's place this Saturday. If not for the full day at least for a few hours. Be cool if you could make it..


Edit: Just saw the babelfish thing. I must be getting old, never heard of it. I just trust my own Swedish skills which I have worked on for the last 33 years :) .

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  • 2 weeks later...


Jag har bytt mailadress nu, eftersom att företaget heter Radicast så skall inte mailadressen sluta på reproglas.com (som var det tidigare namnet när vi bara tillverkade glas)

Nya adressen du når mig på är daniel(snabel-a)radicast(punkt) se jag skriver inte ut hela mailadressen, för att undvika skräpmail.

Okay, here is an accurate translation, I am a native swede living in WA since 2004.

check out the website of the company you are looking for unfortunate in swedish, www.radicast.se

The text above reads:


I have a new mailadress, since the company has changed the name to Radicast the old mailadress at reproglas.com doesn't work (which was the previous name when we only manufactured glass)

The new adress where you can reach me at is: daniel(AT)radicast(DOT)se.

Good luck

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