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Post here when you're drunk or hungover


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mmmm, not drunk yet but clse...this shiz needs to be pindded

whhaaatttt up Saphire + Tonic (wih extra lime of course) you are do delicous i could rink you, in fact i thinik i will...mmm, this thread rules

awwww siznap...chilean, chilayan of how ever the poke you spell it...wines are good..and cheap i recccomend for any one who is a wine connesoru in the least

and your point being.....

man, chicks are weird...i was pised at tis chick today and my chick is all mad coz i mad at this other chick. what i donno, i'm sure things will be cool behy friday

hugh...i don't remember posting that, oh well. I did hit it kind of hard since i was pretty pissed at this "situation"

didn't drink enough to be hung over but...i second that, what is that!?!

ha! i tink i am the forum duink....man 5 saphire and tonics will fdo you in!!!!!!!!! my chick ditched me tonight, whatever. Got my ball joints finishaed today WOOT. Da,m its only 11, early night, o well, thwew is allways satyeday

UBER screw that! What about Molson Tripple X aka THE BIG 10!!! 10 percent alcahol. Tastes like SH!T but if you pound one of the 40's or 48's (what ever you crazy Canadians use) you are DONE!

Oh and Eric...

haha, wine is good + chicks dig dudes who know about wines

blaaahhh i feel like SH!T...drank last night and started to get a cold or something at the begining of this week, sick and booze don't mix :monkey:

well biznuzzed afagain on mondiznay....wine and a couple buddy wise's! my chick hasn't called in a few days, hmmmm...looks like the HOTTT foereign chick is next in line..WOOOTO! never dated a foreegin chick before

well...i work monday nights after class soooo kind of pressed to my limits by the time i get home :D oh and matt....alcaholics go to meetings we are just drunks, lol

WOOOOTTT thirtsty thustday....went ouuuttttt after class yo, early night but good times nontheless

When i need to "appear" sober when typing drunk i have to go back and look for my mistakes. Here i don't care so whatever my fingers lay down is what comes out

yeah i've heard of that before...Never happened to me though

hmmm...bad things happen when plastered, bad things

This is my....."Favorite thread EVAR!" :lol:

oh yeah...rumple mints (creme-de-menthe (mint luiquor) with hot chocolate...mmmmm goood

well it is alcahol awareness wreek at our school...pshh, i'm aware of alcahol...and its delightful effects :D

well, got back to my 16yr old roots tonight, booze in the movies..yessss :lol:

i'm drunk

sometimes i'm so responsible it makes me sick...had to work late tonight (1030ish) and met up with some buds at this bar that had a few local live bands (which where awesome). I got there and 2 of my freinds where stuff faced allready and one was on his way. I took it upon myself to have one beer on 2dollar pint night and drive my freinds home because i know if any of them had driven i would have been reading about them in the obituaries

i guess this kind of belongs here.

Have been persuing this HOT chick who is originally from Estonia. So we hang out after class a few times e/t/c. Last night we finally go out for a drink and about an hr or so into the mix (and about 3 drinks) I suggest we get together Sat night. She then proceeds to tell me she will be in White Plains for the weekend and of course I ask "what's so special about white plains?" and her response...."my boyfreind".....

Well i suppose i was bound to get played atleast once. I'm still debating weather to go for it and treat the boyfriend situation as a speedbump (approach it slow then run it right over) Or just moving on. Hmm only time will tell

haha, its about 30 mins from her (with no traffic) and like 45 for me...I've never actually been able to steal a chick from her boyfriend and I think I'm going to go for it. First time getting played and hopefully first b/f switch, the way I see it I'm balancing out the universe... I don't think she's happy with her current sit any way, after all why would she want to hang out with me. Like I said before only time will tell

ok so i figure i post real quidk...i love when i have a ride and ca drink how mucdh i want...Because then i can go up to what ever chick and just start talking. Like this chick Anna said she knew who i was and stuff and i didn't know her and she said she would come visit me at my worke.... werids

haha i don't remember posting that. I do remember this chick Anna though she was HAWT, or maybe i had the goggles on allready. ugh oh

any keg tosses/slams?

mmm new beer, blue moon Pumpkin Ale, goooood....mmmm yes

yesssssss,,,, hooeked up with the 36 yr old again tonight....never thought i woulde see her again tikll i bumped into her at this local bar/club type place......hehehehehhe

haha...she's never been married, no kids...aka: no baggage! Any way, i don't think i'll be getting any pics out of her...Acutally i have a polaroid (sp?) I could do the ghetto shuffle of taking a pic of a pic, lol!

yes especially when they vomit in the middle of the road when walking errr dragging him back to the car and someone runs over it about 2 seconds later,

oh man...thanksgiving is sweet, so much food, soooo much wine. So hung over. The day after sucks because its a Fri which is a gym day for me and all the people who never go to the gym show up today (you know...those people who just get the membership to have the scan card on their key chain, yeah, those people)

Never! haha

i was just kidding, lol

Drunk dialing is bad...anything that comes from drunk dialing is bad...Atleast from what i have found/done, haha. Well maybe not one time but all the others :lol:

My friday night

have dinner and a few beers arround 7

talk to freind John who is in town for the weekend and wants to party.

Wait for call

Fall asleep watching Resivoir Dogs at 8

wake up at 1am

look at phone- 6 missed calls 4 voice mails each progresivly drunker with chicks clearly in the backround (this guy is a freakin pimp)

go to bed at 1

lol i'll make up for that tonight...I was effin exhausted though

okau so hang out with this ckick i haven't seen in a long time. I'm like yes hook up for sure...one bar, free drinks w-000!t! Second bar my places find the owner, yes score some free stuff...yes...then she see's this kid from high school, DOH!...so i'm like gotta splip she's like lemmi make sure you get to your car, sweet i think make out session in the PK lot, awwww yeah...so yeah, not a bad night...werd

LOL...i was actually thinking in my MGT class today how my hangovers have been worse than usual for some reason. Sunday has become an all day ordeal as opposed to a few hours into the afternoon :lol:

oh here's an emotion-icon from AIM...its i call it the drunk icon because i think the guy looks drunk gallery_5009_21_1102476721.jpg i'll try to remember to use this, lol

werd any you guys have like a one of those pisses where you are like oh yhesah this is a good piss....hjahaha. No womenaziing tonight maybe tomorrow where's that drunk icon hmmms gallery_5009_21_1102476721.jpg blah blau!

man i've only had that happen once (the whole where am i deal)...freaked the crap out of me...

Well, did x-mas shopping the right way today...picked up a bottle of So-co headed to the mall slipped it into my pocked and began shopping. After almost the whole bottle was gone and my buzzz was null i took all of my crap and headed home. It was nice, didn't really pay attention to any of the dicks or hear the pissy kids crying. I think i've found a solution

ught oh....feel like "gonnnnaaaa vommmmit"

ah! Drinky Mc Drink Drink we meet again you old deveil

ught oh, looks like Doug's been drinking again er wait....

Litte story I thought I would share from tonight.

One freind wants to go drinking w/ the bro's at this new bar. Another I haven't seen in a while wants to just hang out (happens to be a chick). So i decide to hang out w/ the chick. Later she tells me one of her freinds is going to meet up w/ us at S-bucks. Naturally my response is "hot? boyfreind?" and her response was "she's cute & no". I was skeptical of the "cute" thing but I later found out cute was an understatement. We are now meeting up tomorrow night

Moral: sometimes not drinking brings good things :blink:

hey man, all i'm saying is that if i had gone drinking i wouldn't have met this chick

went down to NYC last night, holy stuff. Craziest night of my life to date. I can't wait for next year

haha, nope wasn't me. I was the drunk guy going up to members of the 5.0 and giving them hugs, LOL

who you know fresser than hoave riddllle me that?

haha any way...went to this hole in the wall and watched peiople sing keroke, that was entertainment. then we go to this club, yeah these people don't know what a cluib is. i ask wjy is no one dancing they like i don't know. yeah ii tell them we have to go to new havem i show you some real clubs you lknow where people dance and have fun instead of standing arround like a bunkh of wannabe thugZ.

so i was talking to a freind of mine i haven't seen in a while he got an STI, my other freind is like yhou guys can race i'm like yeah he might as well just leave now and i still wont catch up, haha.

so this other chick is only 19 we got her in though. werd, she kinda hot, hmmm yeah. this minse me i need to call britt, werds dawgz

wow this is a long postos

sc = so co? got a bottle of it right infront of me but i can't drink any

man i feel like crap and i didn't even drink that much last night

They had an American Idol type contest at a local bar, that was some quality entertainment

i guess pokeytheturtle isn't to keen on the booze cruise, haha

:lol: .... quality

i love posts like that, hhahaha

"Today, 04:54 AM "

Haahaha a triumphent returm...i'm at this dudes or chjicks house w/ a bunch of buds and i don;t know whose but their net is fasdt as shiut dayum i'de like a peicxe of that jerk that just walked by wait who was that...hmmmm wooot 10 time for dolla pint night at the hat women of questionable morals.

lol, i sure as hell didn't want to get out of bed this morning.

hahaaa i beatcha blue...holy awk night batmad holy awk night..i elab at daylighjt i hope theres a trucks marathon tomorrw: i want some pizza

fixed that for ya

oh man....hit on a lesbian tonight...mmmm i called it an evening after that whole shenaniganss, long stroty on how i found out

holey fack ameretto car bombs are the shiiiiiiizzzzzzz yeah i said that right

lol, what is that from!?

did i ever tell you guys how much i like amaretto car bombs?

ohshit bros i got stuff faeed puked in drivewqay i don;r remember thelast time i puked dam i gonna be hurtin

i'm hurtin... i'm giving up drinking

till next week, hahaa

drunk december

one of the ones where you wear Red Yellow or Green? I saw a flyer for one of those parties on campus and started thinking about the types of chicks that would be there.....then i stopped thinking, haha

hm i wonder

:) <------ also didtt work

tried size 14 smiel

tried to do them all at once...blaspehmy

oh J-gib why have we not hooked up yet? in dyue time i say in due time...like tomarrow

og by the way i PWNED a honda Pilot on the way from my night class this week :lol: ......

and got PWNED by a caddy el-dorago on the way back from night class HAHA i'de love to see how we would fare against ewach other on the AUTOX track (yeahg i know i'de PWN that boat!).....

oh and....

oh and i need turbo damnittt

hmmm...started drawing on the cast....with my left hand........when alcahol and bordeom mix its really not 1/2 bad....not really 1/2 good either, :lol: again

oh and Ray Charles is the shiznat...... lasagna i'm turning you to poo :)

mmmuuuuu blaaaaaaa waaaa see bargh

darn Theresa was drunk...don't you guys strongly dislike (avoiding the word hate) people who when they are STUFF FACED don't admit when they are stuff faced and are all like yeah i'm fine lets see who's partyin on 6th......man not cool, when i'm drunk i know i'm drunk and express the fact i[m drunk....

i can't wait to get this fugggggin cast off

man that doc was just fcukin messin with me...oh no i don't get my cast off just a new one...what a mofo, i drink to that...oh and chick from chem be prepared for me to ask fore yiour number you sexly little thing hahahahaahah

argh...didn't have time to ask her digits...i'm trying to get away from my freind to talk to her but he just didn't get it....see you thurs girl w/ no name

point blank this day blowed....i am DONE w/ brunett chicks.....i seem to have lost my mojo and can't find it....well atleast i got some black booty bumpin, haha, maybe i need to just buy a bimmer and become a hotdog, who knows

mmmmmmmmmmmmm, havent had white russians in a while, its like desert

characol like the s60R color? That would be nice!

werd up to the 417......

get this I crapped my pants and I love how it feels...so i'm all set to go out to NHaven tonight, then this chick from my mgt clas calls me and is like the paper is allwrong and jodi (this other chick) decided to re write it...so i'm like WAHT? 20pg paper between 4 of us and this chick all the sudden says no and she's re-doing it? so i call jodi and am like what the F, but you know polietly and stufff. So she's redoing it and the presentation needs tobe redone...me being the MIS guy knows the most about the .ppt files so, no more going out i have to wait for jodi to get the paper to me to see what she did!?!? then i can go over it and maybe start the presentation...can't do it tomorrow b/c i have family stuff then school for ANOTHER group project...so much for snowboarding tomorrow morn i'm 2 TALL saphire/tonic's deep and getting the creative juices flowing

stupid :'s and and

carson taking the drunk thread off the top....i think not

thats a big rack

chestial hahahahaahaha

dam, daykligbht savings time , hate that crap i just going to licve in arizona anbd shi/ty they don't have that htere you guys nknow hat? yea

just damnuty at t to hell

ummm....riiiiiiggghhht, lol

My red headed hottie will not be stopping by anytime soon!, she wantd me to tell you that booze kills a mans indurance (if ya know what I mean), and there sex appeal

actually when you are buzzed endurance tends to be on the upscale (if ya know what i mean)

Edited by Mesoam
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i'm in some serious pain here.. last night we strung up three double bed sheets across my backyard and had a movie night. I have a KILLER headache but all the a/v stuff is still outside but i need to take a break after i bring each piece in cause i'm so hungover.

.. volvo meet this aft no less!?

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Check post time... Have not had anything to drink in probably 12 hours yet somehow I feel at home posting in here.

Last night moves up into the possibly most drunk I've ever been realm. Which is good and not so good, of course... Just thjought I'd update you!!!!

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