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Stupid Me


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Well my brother's internal hard drive crashed on his computer so I bought him a new hard drive. I went to hook it up this afternoon and well, the connections don't match. The connections for the harddrive off the motherboard are Serial ATA. The hard drive is a Ultra ATA. So, with that being said, can I buy a cable that will allow me to hook up this hard drive?


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I see an parrell ata port that a Y ribbon(branchs to two)...each running to the two cd/dvd drives. Should I buy a ribbon that has 3 ends and then just tag in the aux power hookup off the power source to power the hard drive?

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You can buy adapters, they're a few bucks on ebay. Abit made one a few years back called the "Serillel II" adapter.

But honestly, the other folks are right, you would be better off returning it and buying a serial ATA drive.

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