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What Are These?


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Noticed these while trying to get my car to work.... Pics are of passenger's side firewall


And Another


These white plastic rings are just loose on these pipes (heater core or A/C pipes yes?) They have clips on them, which leads me to believe they should be attached somewhere, but they don't want to clip into those black 'donut' looking things on the pipe. Is that where they're supposed to go? Is this good, bad or a non issue? What's the score here?

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Lines go to your heater core or AC evap and there supposed to be that way

drawing a blank wich ones they are thinking AC Evap lines since the heater core coolant lines come out .

A/C evap lines for sure

Are you giving us the finger in your pic??? :lol:

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A/C evap lines for sure

Are you giving us the finger in your pic??? :lol:

nope just giving it to my car <_<, (she knows i love her tho)

I'm not asking about the lines, i'm asking why the hell are those white rings there? what purpose do they serve? cause right now they seem to be worthless.

Hey maybe if i pull those rings off i can drop enough weight to run 10's :lol: :lol: :lol:

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A sign the evaporator was replaced before.

really? why is that? what are they?

Well if that is the case then maybe my evap isn't why my A/C doesn't work... That would make my life a bit easier

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