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Another Weird Electrical Problem


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I was messing with my reading lights--about to replace them with LEDs--when my hazards started to flash. I thought I had accidentally engaged my hazards but I hadn't. No matter what I did the hazards just kept blinking. I then tried to start the car--no start. It didn't even turn. So I unplugged my battery terminals to 'reset' the car. I let the thing simmer for a couple minutes and re-engaged the battery. Same problem: flashing hazards, engine doesn't turn.

So I then thought it might be a fuse....maybe #6: central locking system. Replaced the fuse. Same problem.

So I plugged the battery back in and decided to mess around for a second with my reading lights. Then suddenly the hazards stopped flashing. And the car started.

What the hell? :blink:

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