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99% of CA gangbangers don't know enough to be considered liberal because they can't identify the difference amongst a liberal, a conservative, and a fax machine. it was in my 'guide to california' that was passed out to me when i crossed the border.

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whats manditory not to be harrased is

Pics of car

Pics of Girl (perferably nude)

Pics of ? who cares we got nudes :lol:

Alright, here are the requiste photos. Please bear with me. My day started off pretty badly and the car shows it. I hit a pothole this morning on the way to work and cracked my RF Triton and bent the RR. Total damage at least $1400.00. This in addtion to the Perfo I cracked in January. God I hate Nebraska. Any SoCalers got some room? I also threw in some pics of the wife and Heir to my fortune (ha).

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Alright, here are the requiste photos. Please bear with me. My day started off pretty badly and the car shows it. I hit a pothole this morning on the way to work and cracked my RF Triton and bent the RR. Total damage at least $1400.00. This in addtion to the Perfo I cracked in January. God I hate Nebraska. Any SoCalers got some room? I also threw in some pics of the wife and Heir to my fortune (ha).

The Rest are at pbucket http://s292.photobucket.com/albums/mm37/heavyiron1978/t

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Alright, here are the requiste photos. Please bear with me. My day started off pretty badly and the car shows it. I hit a pothole this morning on the way to work and cracked my RF Triton and bent the RR. Total damage at least $1400.00. This in addtion to the Perfo I cracked in January. God I hate Nebraska. Any SoCalers got some room? I also threw in some pics of the wife and Heir to my fortune (ha).

Welcome to the board!

Terrible misfortune to a nice rim :o

Yeah, here, SoCal's got plenty of room. Let me scoot over.

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Hey, guys... Just joined VolvoSpeed, but I've been aware of the community and browsed the forums once or twice before.

Just recently I lost my 1998 S70 T5 "Vera" in a black ice/roll-over incident.



As far as roll-overs go, it wasn't as bad as most (I could have been like my dad and rolled a van and been pinned under it by my thumb alone...), my passengers were alright, even the one in the backseat who'd failed to wear a seatbelt. I came out unscathed, but I have my own explanation for that, Volvo structural integrity aside. That, and all the bottled booze in the back seat and trunk were unbroken. :D End result: frame rails bent from impact to hard-as-rock cinder-crusted snow and A-pillar bent slightly on the passenger side. :(

Luckily, I have an awesome Volvo mechanic who just happens to sell a few here and there and I picked up a 2003 S60 2.5T AWD. I'm still getting used to it, and it doesn't have a name yet. I had it for a week when I hit a meteor on the highway, destroying the driver side headlamp assembly. (Seriously not having luck lately)


I do some photography on the side... mostly outdoors/nature stuff, my car, and sometimes portraits and shenanigans documentation.



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Hey, guys... Just joined VolvoSpeed, but I've been aware of the community and browsed the forums once or twice before.

I do some photography on the side... mostly outdoors/nature stuff, my car, and sometimes portraits and shenanigans documentation.



Is that princess laya eating a donut?

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