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I decided to rip my subwoofer box out of my car for the sake of weight loss and just placed in my room. I was curious how it would sound in a huge room so i went out and bought a Radio Shack Power converter, "3 Amp regulated power supply" for $41. I just have to say how incredible my 2 12's sound in a home setting, much better than any home theather subwoofer I have ever heard. So in case anyone has thought of this, it can easily be done and it sounds great.

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i have 2 10" subs powering my home theater, and I hook my computer up to it, as well... Can't play doom 3 without BASS!@!!!

I just used an extra ATX power supply I had laying around. Short the Power Good line to Ground and it functions as a nice 12V, 5V, 7V, and 3.3V power supply!

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Indeed, i did the same thing. Have 2 sealed boxed 10's each under my PC desk. online gaming with subs definately supports reality.

I used a 35 amp 115AC volt to 12DC converter with a cheap Sherwood Amp. It rocks.

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Radio Shack Power converter, "3 Amp regulated power supply" for $41. I just have to say how incredible my 2 12's sound in a home setting, much better than any home theather subwoofer I have ever heard

1. At somepoint, something in that setup is going to blow. I am sure the amp powering those subs has a at least a 15amp fuse. Given that the power supply will only generate 3amps at some point the amp will request way more than the supply will handle and it will self destruct. Or, the amp will be seriously under powered, distort all to hell and blow itself or the subs up. Ask Bing_O what it takes to properly drive a Car Audio amp and sub from an AC power source. Those converters are not cheap.

2. From that statement it is obvious you have never heard a good Home theatre sub and or what you consider to be good sound is completely different from that of an audiophile.

Find a store that sells M&K's


Anyway, we all start somewhere and I have done what you did and much worse, all about 10 years ago.

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yeah um..... its gonna sound like a sub woofer in your room....

not a bad idea at all. accept i like my home theater in my car thank you very much,

nothin like multiplayer Halo, when drivn down the high way with the crusie on

you get looks of astonishment,,,, :D:D :D

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35 amp??? Jesus, I have a 3 amp!!! I hope i wont blow the converter

Oh I'm sorry I lead you wrong, the supply is rated 12 volts DC at 35 amps using house voltage 110-125AC.

When the bass hits hard there's a signifigant current spike, The current rated in the supply should be at least 1/4 higher than what the audio amp calls for.

Current spikes will kill the power supply unless the statistics in the supply can indeed handle the draw you give it. good cooling helps too.

Oh I forgot

To brush up on what Wattsat said, Indeed.. These supplies aren't cheap, I paid a 120 bucks for mine. But as one would agree you really can't cheap out on your supply. I did blow stuff up too... and for some reason current allways has to find the most expensive way to ground. :o It's nice to have current and voltage meters this why you can manage your usage accordingly.

12 volt 35 amp supply on Ebay

A little off the beaten path But I remeber hooking a system up for a buddy in college. 2 12's powered by a 12vDC 50 amper with a used Alpine amp, RCA signal in from winamp on the PC. I swear when that thing was cranked up felt like the whole flat was gonna vibrate off the foundation, freight train.. ect. simply Nuts.



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The amp is not a powerfull one, under 300 watts, when it does require more power the light just dims and the bass is clipped.

Indeed that is what's gonna happen. Your supply is cutting out cause it can't support the power requierments your amp is sucking out of it. Your powersupply might be current limited and shut down when is sees too much current being drawn, not sure. But on a technically speaking point if your running under 300 watts, to get the full effecincy of your amp i would run it with more current. The clipping is not good for the subs as well as the supply.

Just a rule of thumb voltage times the current will give you the wattage. the 12v 3 amper you got shouldn't be pushed past 35 watts for full effecency

There's plenty of technical aspects on this subject but heck if your doing it for fun...at least you know what you need in the event you do blow something.


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