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Unresolved Purchase Damaged In Shipping From Volvospeed User...unresolved


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Sounds like he packaged it in a reasonable matter, which you already stated. Are you under the impression that a seller is suppose to babysit the shipper to ensure the package gets to you undamaged? He did his job. He reasonably packaged the item, put a label on it, and shipped it you. Unless the item was damaged prior to shipping (which it obviously wasn't), then he fulfilled his part of the deal. He has NO control of what happens to the item after it leaves his hands and is with the shipper.


If it wasn't broken before being shipped and it was reasonably packaged I don't see how it is his fault. I don't understand why it wasn't insured though, it couldn't have been more than a couple of dollars. Always get insurance.

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You guys are retards. Any time you sell someone something, especially a fellow VS member you should make sure that it arrives to them in one piece. Granted, if you packaged your item well it is not specifically YOUR fault that the item was damaged, but it is YOUR responsibility to resolve the issue. I would never sell someone something, and then if it got to them broken just say "give the post office hell." Thats rude as shit. If the guy was smart enough he would have put insurance on it. It is his responsibility to either refund this guy's money or find him another light. I can believe DAVE defending the seller, but not T5-Bandit. I would have thought you would have defended the buyer in this case.

In any case, my opinion is that it is the sellers responsibility to fix the issue. I always ship everything FedEx INSURED so that even if FedEx breaks my perfectly packaged item, I can still make things right with the buyer by replacing the item or refunding his money. That is the difference between a good and bad person to buy from on VS I guess.

Edit: Dave, I sold you door lock actuators a couple weeks ago. If I packaged them properly and then they got to you in pieces, would you have just "eaten the cost"? NEVER! You are more money hungry than I am, and I'm Jewish! You would have called me and whined until I refunded your money or got you new actuators. So cut the crap guys, SWM's thoughts are legitimate.

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Did i Bash anyone? I am simply making others aware of the situation so they can make their own call in dealing with him. He quoted me a price, i paypald the $$, and i got a link to the USPS tracking link. No asking on method or insurance. If people aren't responsible for that they are shipping, it is just poor service. How would anyone know if you are just shipping out DOA items, there is no accountability. For an item to be shipped with inclined insurance and not ask the buyer, what recourse do i have? NONE! unacceptable. Do you think successful ebayers say monkey off to people who are they're customers? no they follow through and make sure everyone is happy. declining insurance and telling me to "raise hell with the PO" is not appropriate.

I have pretty much already accepted the fact i wont get the money back...i was trying to make an effort to alert the board of anyone who could potentially stiff them, info i wish i had before placing the transaction

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I have pretty much already accepted the fact i wont get the money back...i was trying to make an effort to alert the board of anyone who could potentially stiff them, info i wish i had before placing the transaction

If I were you, I would file a claim with paypal. You did not get what was advertised to you and you have a right to a refund. Do it within the 30 days that you sent the money or you will not be able to file a claim.

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Thanks Oreo, well put and yes, i have already processed the claim with Paypal. I dont know the folks on the board too well, so i dont have the insight as you did but i appreciate your supporting argument, which i apparently failed to make.

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Thanks Oreo, well put and yes, i have already processed the claim with Paypal. I dont know the folks on the board too well, so i dont have the insight as you did but i appreciate your supporting argument, which i apparently failed to make.

I think your post may have confused people and caused them to think that you were bashing the seller, but for the wrong reason. You have every right to bash the seller for how he is handling the situation AFTER the item arrived to you. However, if he did package the item reasonably, it isnt HIS fault that it was broken. It IS his fault though for being a dick, especially over $28.

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Edit: Dave, I sold you door lock actuators a couple weeks ago. If I packaged them properly and then they got to you in pieces, would you have just "eaten the cost"? NEVER! You are more money hungry than I am, and I'm Jewish! You would have called me and whined until I refunded your money or got you new actuators. So cut the crap guys, SWM's thoughts are legitimate.

if you packaged them well, which you did and they came broken I would be pissed at the carrier.

you are a good seller so you would have met me half way and so would I with the situation if it did happen

but if you sent them in a cardboard box with NO padding or horrible padding that would be different

if you send them protected enough and they come broken... not seller or buyers fault... CARRIERs fault

live and learn USPS is shit.

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if you packaged them well, which you did and they came broken I would be pissed at the carrier.

you are a good seller so you would have met me half way and so would I with the situation if it did happen

but if you sent them in a cardboard box with NO padding or horrible padding that would be different

if you send them protected enough and they come broken... not seller or buyers fault... CARRIERs fault

live and learn USPS is shit.

Great Dave, but you are still missing a cruicial part of the equation. You paypal'd me $50 for those actuators. What if they came properly packaged but broken, you would "just be pissed at the carrier"? No. You would want your money back. Stop playing games. Its obvious who is to blame over the broken items - USPS. Even still, THEN WHAT? The buyer isnt just going to think "Oh well, my loss." It is STILL the sellers responsibility to take care of situation. Maybe I just have good values or something, but if the seller isnt willing to step up then he is a total asshole. Thats the kind of guy who deserves to get kicked in the vagina.

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Here's the thing, if the item is properly packaged according to the specifications the courier sets, the seller is not responsible the minute it leaves his hands.

Couriers (such as UPS), typically include up to $100 worth of free insurance, USPS does not. So unless you purchased it, you're SOL.

If the item was poorly packaged and you can prove it by basing your argument on the shipping specifications, then the seller is at fault. I once had a seller wrap a damn car door in a bit of cardboard and ship it to me. UPS damaged it, of course, and didn't pay even though it was insured. The seller manned up and paid for the damages.

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Great Dave, but you are still missing a cruicial part of the equation. You paypal'd me $50 for those actuators. What if they came properly packaged but broken, you would "just be pissed at the carrier"? No. You would want your money back. Stop playing games. Its obvious who is to blame over the broken items - USPS. Even still, THEN WHAT? The buyer isnt just going to think "Oh well, my loss." It is STILL the sellers responsibility to take care of situation. Maybe I just have good values or something, but if the seller isnt willing to step up then he is a total asshole. Thats the kind of guy who deserves to get kicked in the vagina.

yeah, if anyone sent me ANYTHING poorly packaged and came broken... I would be pissed at the sender because you can not just ship something that is not packaged correctly.

since the turn signal or whatever it was came broken in good packaging it is the CARRIERs fault.

the seller should work with the buyer but he is not... sooo that is the point of this thread.

and your quote above does not even make sense with my previous post about good packaging but broken.

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