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Unresolved Purchase Damaged In Shipping From Volvospeed User...unresolved


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look, Im not looking for anything to gain here, i wouldn't even be looking for a refund if i DECLINED insurance, but, i wasn't offered it, and i had no idea how he was shipping it to protest his method. if the insurance cost is a nominal fee to add, and the SHIPPER doesn't, then its really just stupidity, if its a big ticket item and the ins is pricey then yes, the BUYER would pay up for ins. The point has been made, if anyone gets something in the mail broken, they would be pissed. the fact is i have ZERO angle with the PO, there is no coverage, no insurance, no nothing, i have ZERO recourse, they have shown me the door already. my only recourse is the shipper, and he wont man up, so paypal dispute it is.

So, because he didn't offer you insurance it's his fault? Once again I'll state, you should have asked if insurance was included. If it wasn't, you should have asked for it. You are at fault for not being an informed consumer.

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That guy is a dick. Link him to the thread so he knows that no one will ever buy anything from him again. I hope someone gives that guy a swift kick to the hatchet wound.

You're basing it on 1/2 the story, with no pic showing the package and not input from the seller.

Simmer down big guy, let the seller tell his side of the story before jumping to conclusions.

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Again, I am probably just repeating myself but I dont care. If this happened to you, you wouldnt be saying this. If you buy something, you are paying for the item as it was advertised to you. If you receive it and it is in pieces, you wouldnt have paid for it if you knew it was going to arrive like that. This is a great example of "the customer is always right."

Well, I guess this is good because now I know of several people I will NOT buy anything from on VS :lol:

This thread is retarded and so are you. The responsibility ends once the item is in the hands of the courier provided the seller packaged the item correctly. It is not the sellers fault the buyer was too cheap to pay for shipping insurance, although some sellers are nice and will gladly include insurance in their selling price. If the item is damaged during shipping, it's the couriers fault, not the sellers and the buyer should take up the dispute w/ the courier service, NOT THE SELLER. The customer is always right only applies to business's, not individuals selling items on the internets, although some individuals will go above the call of duty to please people.. I think you must live with a false sense of reality where everyone must please the mighty Adam. SELLERS BEWARE, DON'T SELL TO ADAM. CHANCES ARE, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLEASE HIM!!!!!!!!

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I believe this to be wrong for doing this to me but I just saw a link in my inbox from SWM to the closed thread before I had a chance to reply. Here is my response, mods if you want to delete it go ahead but I believe both sides should be heard. I feel most problems like these should be handled privately but SWM wanted to do it this way.

Ok heres the deal, SWM bought cornering lamp for 28 shipped. I sent him pics of the item before he bought so he knows it was not broken and what he was getting. The item was shipped in a brand new box priority mail not cheap first class. Insurance is always an option whether you are renting a storage unit or shipping a package it is up to the purchaser. He never specified that if my shipped price included insurance, and all ship prices from any retailer never include insurance, its always an add-on. Buyer contacted me stating that the box was squashed when recieved. I package the item with bubble wrap and packaging material so it was not a lack of packaging, it was a lack of handling by postal service. I can not be responsible for what the post office did, his issue is with the post office, not me. My obligation is to get the item to the post office, after that the post office is responsible for getting it to the buyer in a safe and timely fashion. I dont feel I should be put on trial when I have pratically nothing to do with handling. He needs to contact his post office instead of blaming me. I bought things in the past from vsers and never blamed the seller if something came to me in a squashed box because they had nothing to do with it. I always took my fight to the post office. Anybody who could see my side in his thread I appreciate it. Thanks

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