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i love the omega! my dad used to have Suprema 3.0l when we lived in Brazil

digital gauges FTW!

you guys have had some cool ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD cars, my one and only car is my 855

Thanks man! Omega is a real cool car, I founded in Curitiba(Brazil) the Omega Club if anyone is interested www.omegaclube.com it is in portuguese but you can see some of the cars!

We have in Brazil a lot of european models, and some that are brazilian such as Volkswagen GOL that is a smaller version of the GOLF, and some other cool cars! ;)

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1991 mazda protoge

First thing i ever drove, back when i didn't even have a permit.. thing would stall whenever you turn right... only would take that down the road to the store or something...

we cared so little for it that one day we noticed it wasn't where it was parked... didn't think much about it.. few months later started getting curious... the county had towed and AUCTIONED the car before we even realized it was gone... had illinois plates so they thought it was abandonded...

1998 olds cutlass (or chevy malibu if you want)

drove it too fast on a windy road and 180'd into a tree @ about 40mph, pushed it outta the ditch and went on my way.. a year later almost to the date... same road... side swiped a tree.. my friends say it looks like godzilla tried to rip my door off; still like that... and right before i got it fixed the first time, the head gasket leaked coolant into the oil and long story short: new engine..

still own it, gonna fix it... or run it into the ground (preferably)

2001 volvo v40

got me addicted. loved driving that to/from richmond (friends AND sister went to college out there).. was getting onto 95 one day... an onramp that if you go left you go north, to the right is south.. somebody on the right just HAD to get over, so somebody 3 cars up STOPPED to let him in, so we all stopped... looking in the rear view mirror i see that a minivan behind me couldn't stop, so she pulled to the side, and then coming from behind the van this red rodeo with a cattle gaurd just PLOWS into the back of me, which pushes me into a jeep grand cherokee... jeep: no damage, rodeo: minor damage, v40: TOTALLED. rodeo turned out to be my neighbor... after he hit me, the stupid asshole comes up to me and says "oh man you were stopped in the middle of the road"... "yea - so was everyone else moron"

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