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Mbc Vs Ebc


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Thats what I did...

Here is my MBC setup I love it... but it is much more than you want to spend for a MBC...

I mounted the MBC and solenoid inside the EST Intake set up...


Then since it was a dual stage a got a switch to toggle inside the car...


That's a hot set-up, what was the price for the whole set up and how do you plumb the hoses for two settings?

Is this the same thing? Worth it? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/TurboSmart-...sspagenameZWDVW

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I'd say get an mbc first because a lot of people get boost spikes with 17 psi ecu remaps

boost spikes bad ,set it at 15 you get a boost spike you get 17to 18 psi, go with a electronic boost controller, if you set it at 15 you get 15 you get what you pay for and a manual boost controller is primitive you can get a hks evc used for 200 bucks

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