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Volvo Salvage Yards?


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I was at the Rodeo the other night in San Francisco (yes...they have a rodeo there every year) and a drunk a-hole in a big ol' pick-em-up truck ran into me while we were leaving the parking lot. It was a very slow wreck (about 2 mph) but of course the damage came out to about $3,000. He said he would pay and as of this morning he said he would be sending me a check from his company so here's to hopin'!!!

Anyway, I am looking for a Volvo specific salavage yard. I have one locally in Sacramento but they don't have the parts I need in my colour. I am looking to pick up a passenger side fender and front door in my car's colour and avoid having to deal with all the time and money of having them painted for me. (I know, they won't match exactly but I am willing to live with it.)

So, if you can forward me the names/numbers of any salvage/junk yards in your area that have lots of Volvo 850s I would appreciate it. It can be in any part of the country since what I will save by doing the work myself will be well worth the extra shipping.



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