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First Try At Hdr


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Photomatix is definitely

Fixed. :P

So the explanation makes sense, but how does one do this with a regular digicam? How about a step-by-step? :lol:

HDR Tutorial written by me. I wrote a better one for my technical writing class last quarter but haven't put it up on my site yet.

Its what people who do not know how to use a camera use to make their shots looks acceptable.


My Flickr album has lots of HDR in it.

Drin, now that you can do HDR, get out there to some locations and give it a shot!

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hdr stands for high dynamic range. basically you meter a picture really underexposed and then underexposed and then over exposed and then really overexposed and you combine them with a program like photoshop or photomatix to give the picture a great range of light so you get the extreme darks and the extreme lights.

someone who knows more feel free to chime in

great job tho they all look great i love the one looking at the back drivers side wheel

That's basically it. What you are basically doing is taking at least three pics, and then having the computer analyze and combine all of the best values of the photos.

People usually decide to go really abstract and surreal with the range or keep it really natural and sharp.

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How do you purposely underexpose and overexpose?

Its called bracketing. Not singling you out but its sad full auto cameras have dumbed us down this much. Most cameras will bracket for you in burst. If not you can do it yourself by shooting AV mode. But again with digital its even easier. You just shoot raw and do ev0, ev1, ev-1.

Car looks good but why the unrealistic hdr?


Ding :tup:

I remember when HDR became mainstream in ~1993 1994 and though to myself "great. there goes proper metering".

HDR is only meant as a way to digital CCDs to keep up with analog in zones. It was not meant to blow your image lowlights until it looked like a cartoon. Do not get me wrong. Its a cool effect. Every so often its really cool. But it is way over used to salvage a poor image.

That's basically it. What you are basically doing is taking at least three pics, and then having the computer analyze and combine all of the best values of the photos.

Thats not what its doing

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I said best values but I really meant highest and lowest ranges. When you take a regularly exposed photo you get a set of ranges, over exposed gives you a higher set and under exposed a lower. Combine them to get the most range. Then you have to tone map to get them to actually be able to display on a monitor.

Better or am I still off? :blink: :lol:

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I said best values but I really meant highest and lowest ranges. When you take a regularly exposed photo you get a set of ranges, over exposed gives you a higher set and under exposed a lower. Combine them to get the most range. Then you have to tone map to get them to actually be able to display on a monitor.

Better or am I still off? :blink::lol:

Better but still off. When you take a photo you can get all 9 zones with no need for HDR. Its just most people are too lazy. HDR was meant as a way for digital to better reproduce film originally. Now people just bastardize it. Again as n effect its cool. But its applications at the extremes are limited.

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