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Advance Auto Parts

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Sorry for creating a thread about this, but it's going to keep my awake until I get an answer. I'm rounding the rest of the parts for the manual swap on my 240 together, and all that's left is the flywheel.

I've heard some people have problems with their drive shafts from them, but would I be able to trust getting a flywheel from them? I think it's about $68 for it.

The cheapest I've found so far is a used one $75, but that's not including the shipping from GA to my house.

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well... if you get the $75 your probably going to have to pay to get it resurfaced before you put it in im assuming?

and from the sounds of it this $68 one is good to go?

i think i would got for the advanced auto special....but deffinalty get a second opinion.

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The refurbished water pumps in my Grandmas Sunfire and my uncles Monte Carlo are still going strong after a lot of driving. And if it doesn't break after a year, I should be fine. I could even take it out before the warranty expires and inspect it for any problems.

The main thing that has me worried, other than quality, is if they'll give me the right part.

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Well, if they give you wrong part, it's an easy fix: show them the accurate PN and make sure they get it right the second time.

Otherwise, I'd do it. I'm sure it'll come ready to be used and that should save you some additional work.

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It's $91 total and ready to go, vs the $75 pre shipped with no idea of if it needs resurfaced or not. So I'm buying the Advance auto one.

I also picked up an open diff really cheap that I'm going to weld, just for the cause of blowing my auto up after school lets out in a couple weeks.

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