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Engine Knocking - What's Failed?

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Its unnecessary, If i listened to everything Volvo and its dealers said i would be up stuff creek with out a paddle. You think if this was a real issue that you wouldn't hear about this part failing? I bet you anything that not even the dealer replaces these bolts, they are perfectly fine to be reused and i can attest to that since its been done for years without a single failure. It's not lazy or a lack of effort, if that was the case then i wouldnt even take the flywheel off to replace the RMS in the first place thus not having to mess with the bolts! Ive dont more tranny jobs then i can count, and so has my old boss with not one issue since these cars originally came out in 93.

Ohhh and you can reused the head bolts one more time before you have to replace them... thats another little trick that has never failed me or any other indy Volvo that ive talked to!!


Many of the bolts listed for replacement simply need new locite & a clean. If I had replaced the AWD rear driveshaft bolts everytime I removed it, I would have spent a small fortune by now. If the bolts are not stretch bolts (which will have a specified reuse length) and a normal visual inspection doesn't indicate any abnormal thread damage/wear, I don't replace them either.

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Binglax knows his shit and I would bet is 99% correct, but I would probably go the same route as TurboMoose if they're cheap to replace.

Just for peace of mind...Binglax is probably right that its not necessary....but with my luck, I'd be banging my head against the wall if one of the reused bolts failed or stripped etc. and I thought it may be because I didnt drop the few bucks to put in new hardware as described.

In the torpedo business we call them criticle fastners. As in the joint band screws that hold torpedo sections together.

These are to be replaced EVERY time a torpedo is turned around.

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