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Sfl's Meet Ton's Of Pictures

smokin' T5M

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trey you puss bag... i see you looking you should have come......

missed you lots.. its never the same without you and jesus...

than the party would have been balllin...

good times. ill up load some pics as soon as i can...

debauchery is all that comes to mind...

and yes.. jeremy and i are the baddest chicken fighters the pool has ever seen...

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Holy crap was that ever one crazy night, but the whole

meet was actually two nights and a day in between of

insanity on wheels. Most of those wheels were made out

of beer cans.

Friday night Nick and I show up down south in Fort

Lauderdale at Eric's place to find roughly 60 beers

waiting for roughly 10 people. The fun begins now.

Say hello to Lindsey. She's hugging president busch.


Frank the tank lives up to his name every time. He

didn't sleep that night. He had a lot to say to the



Mike showed up later on and Josh decided to have a

series of sprint races in the hallway of Eric's

apartment building at ~2am.


You can call Mike the intimidator.

Eric's girlfriend telling me it's 1am. I think.


The next day we woke up and headed north to Eric's

parents to pick up a Volvo or two. I shot along the

way. Jeremy is in his immaculate 244 w/B230FT built by

Kenny, sold to Eric, then sold to Jeremy.


We stopped at a gas station, and this Ferrari/Porsche

hybrid looking car shows up out of nowhere. It turns

out it's called a Volkswagen Puma GTS. Type 1 engine

in the back. WTF?


I shot more on the way. This is Eric's flat blue

244ti, built by Jeremy, then sold to Eric when Jeremy

bought Eric's 244 which was built by Kenny. Then Eric

totally rebuilt it.


We arrived at Kyle's insane house and the partying

ensued again, replete with a lot of (fwd) Volvos.



Jeremy is tanking up for shenanigans to come:


Mike arrived again in his 940 and opened the hood to

reveal what would later get the cops called on us.


Having had the cops called on us for speeding, we

decided to speed. Richard sends the wheel skyward as

he rides past me.


We arrived at Joseph Essaye's grandma's super pimp

gigantohouse and the partying ensued again. At this

point we'd been drinking on and off a good 10 hours.


Then Eric performed the obligatory meat shotgun,

bashing the can open on his head, then chugging it.

We're frickin geniuses.


Then the resident otter, Jeremy, dove into the canal

behind the house and swam over to a random stranger's

yacht and did a karate kick off of it into the water,

at about 3:30am.


After that, Joseph's grandma's butler stumbled out

onto the patio drunk, rambling in broken english and

unintelligible spanish, and came out as gay to Joseph

and then started hitting on him, offering multiple

handjobs. Then he claimed he was God and could walk on

water. Then he said Joseph could walk on water. Then

when everybody left, and I was talking to Mike, the

butler started hitting on me, again doing the creepy

hand job motion with his hand. When I turned him down,

he locked us out of the house.

I theorized that since the butler just went nutballs,

he would probably kill us all in the night. Mike gave

me a box cutter and, like half the party, I slept in

the back of a locked car.

Thems be goood pics eh!

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