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Here's A Quick Bit Of Geekery For You


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Well, gas jumped 20 cents on us yesterday, and on top of that the R drinks Primo. So I got to thinking maybe there's a better car out there for me and my fam that would save us some cash but still haul the same amount of cargo. I spent some time on ebay looking at avg costs to purchase these vehicles, went to fueleconomy.gov to get avg mpg, and progressive to get comparable insurance quotes for a full year. Here's what I found:

Car.......................mpg/type.........road trip.........commute........insure......total








PT Cruiser.............24/reg.............292.92.............1156.25...........876........2325.33



Look at that! Even though my 850 gets the worst gas mileage of the group, AND takes the pricey fuel, it's the most expensive car up there for me to take my road trip and commute in, but by the end of the year is STILL the cheapest to drive because insurance is so cheap. I quoted the insurance 3 times on the 850 because it was such a big difference and it always came out the same. And it's the fastest vehicle in the list, too! So I suppose I can fell good about blowing past the guy getting 32-33mpg on the highway knowing that I'm still spending less than he is. (All the while polluting more than I should, I know. That's the one legitimate reason for better mpg)

Of course, the higher gas prices get the closer these numbers become also, but I'm safe for another 50 cents a gallon anyway. And the motorcycle will help a lot too.

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...wow!!! Awesome research man! That's really good info and I agree completely. In addition, who in their right mind would take a focus over an 850R....geesh. Once again, sweet information. I'll be sure to bring this up the next time my mom gives me crap about having 4 volvos in the driveway haha.

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Wonder how the cost to maintain them compares??

I'm curious too. But you can take a quick count on ebay of how many Volvos you see with 150K+ miles on them vs the other cars. The only other mfg that approaches Volvo that I've seen is Subaru. And a Subi's seats don't make you feel like the car wants you in it:) The turbo and vacuum hoses are the only things I've replaced that I don't think would be a normal maintenance cost on another vehicle.

I also didn't include avg purchase price in that table, but the generic average was around $5000 for a good used version of the cheaper cars on the list. My Volvo cost me $3000. Granted it's older and has more miles but Volvo seems to have a longevity advantage. So until I've spent that extra $2000 in replacement parts, I'm ahead.

This is all good news to me because I love this car and hope to keep it as long as possible. My wife seems to be looking for excuses all the time to trade it for something else (she's an SUV person - and as you can tell from other past posts of mine, the topic of trading it for an XC has come up a couple times.)

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gas prices are your variables. there will be a point in the future when the R will not pull its weight.

i been going over the same thing with getting a new car. my insurance is pretty cheap now for whatever car i get. the thing that is killing me with the 850 is maintence and gas milage. at the moment i cant get past 18mpg. and 60 bucks a tank thatt gets me maybe 200 miles isnt cutting it. i drive alot...at least 200-400 miles a week.my solution is i have a 240 n/a still in wisconsin. it gets 34 mpg, doesnt need premo or synthetic fluids...and is insanely cheap to maintain. i gotta bring the car to california.

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I had no idea 240s got that kind of mileage! That's a great alternative. The other variable is distance driven. My numbers only work for my scenario, where I'm commuting 7500 miles a year driving the 850 only 3 times a week and the Saturn the other 2 days. (I get the 850 when my wife drives the Saturn to work.) But anyone who drives 10k + miles a year would see the numbers move in the econocars' favor.

Motorcycles are the answer....my other addiction.

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interesting and yeah my father's 240 gets 30mpg regually i dive all city so 16-21 depending on how i felt that week lol, and moms 850 n/a will get 25 normally but i do have one advantage, being 17 and living with the parents so they told me as long as i bought a volvo they would pay the insurance

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i'm working on getting my 850 in the 40's mpg. i can get in the 30's when its running the way it should. a lil bit of body work and tweeking the cams should do it.

Lemme guess, you're also active on the forum at gassavers.org. Cool site. I had the grill on my Geo blocked, mirrors gone, all kinds of stuff because of those guys. It works. I don't have the nads to do that to a turbo though, it needs the cooling. And I'd be raping an R.

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