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Here's A Quick Bit Of Geekery For You


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Hmm. If fast60r is right, I probably just docked myself 50 points on my credit score...Just call me Homer Simpson.

You can also call me chicken little. A friend of mine just bought a new RAV4 and said he's getting darn close to 30mpg on the highway. It made me wonder how in the world my Volvo was soooooo much cheaper to insure than all these other cars. Ready for the D'oh? I was comparing my 97 850 to the cars that would be taking it's place, all of them 01 or newer. So I made one last deduction to my credit score and compared an 01 RAV4 to an 01 V70 to keep it apples to apples. Well, the Volvo's $80 higher per year. Oops.

Sorry to get everybody's hopes up, but this research only accurately applies to my situation. Shows to go ya that we need to do our own research for our own situations if we're to truly make an informed decision. I am still ahead by keeping my 850, versus getting a newer car, but if the time comes to shop around, gas mileage WILL be a huge factor because the insurance playing field will be more level.

Moral? Keep the 850s on the road! Let's have a pre-Ford high mileage contest!

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Hey I really appreciate your taking the time to do this. All bets are off with my car basically. As is true of most cars, certianly ours, if you baby it it does great. The moment you factor in any fun, well, mine starts to bong premium like a 5th year senior at a frat party.

And about your credit score...I work for a bank in a rotational program, and my last rotation dealt a lot with pulling credit and what not. I didn't see it a lot but I would occasionally see inquiries from insurance companies. My guess is though that you are fine because they probably only checked it once and then allowed you to change out cars as many times as you like. It's kind of scary how this all works out though in the end. Credit is a mystery to many...myself included.

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