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I Fixed My R Bumper


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So since i've had my 855R, the lower valence has looked like Afghanistan... It really bothered me and really detracted from the look of the car. After searching for the best prices for a new one (there aren't really any "good" prices) and factored in the cost for paint ( ~$200).... i figured i'd take a stab at it, and if it didn't work, so what, I couldn't really make it look any worse.

It was a pretty simple fix, and the results are superb considering the effort. All you need is: pop rivets (to reattach the bumper), some factory match spray paint from IPD, sandpaper, clamps, wax paper, and JB Weld. I did this two weekends ago, but didn't get around to posting the pictures because i've been busy running the gulag ;).

Here are the Before shots (this is the only one i have while it was still on the car... it was too embarassing to want to photograph anyway <_<) This is from when i installed my Hella DE fogs:


so both spars were broken and the whole thing was pitted and faded:


With cracks on both corners


So i pulled it off and JB welded the spars back together on that mofo (the breaks were pretty clean)


JB weld is some pretty awesome stuff... really really strong. you don't want this stuff on your hands


and clamped it together... the wax paper as you'll see was used to keep the clamps and clips from bonding to the bumper. You'll be sanding any excess off later.



here you can see how janky it looked, this is even after i had washed it :(


then you let her sit overnight... I was planning on back filling the hollow space behind the spars and laying some zip ties in as a sort of "rebar" with JB weld, but after the inital job, it held so well i didn't feel i had to. It stayed very flexible, heck it even got dropped a couple times, and flexible is good so you don't just rebreak the thing by looking at it sideways.

I also used JB weld to fuse the corner cracks together (sort of like bondo but with a structural integrity quality to it, glob it in there, you'll sand it smooth later). and used it to fix the broken pieces where the grill inserts snap into. a couple were broken cause the lazy previous owner just tried to zip tie the thing together using those as anchor points... needless to say it didn't work.... I even used it on my upper bumper cover to fix a split where some drunkard clipped my car one night, but that's for another post i suppose.... JB weld, like abba zabba bars, are two of my best friends :lol:

When that was done, i went a little wild with some sandpaper, with progressively finer grits till the joints and other surfaces were smooth ( i don't think i need to walk anyone through that)

Then it was time for paint.... I'm quite happy with the factory match spray paint from IPD, the trick is to do short light sweeps across the bumper, light coats, letting your finger off the nozzle at the end of each pass to avoid the gloppy drippy effect you get with cheap spray paint cans.... The emphasis is on light coats, you can always put more on, just make it even. Did it look 100% professional, no, does it look like a cheap fix? not at all. Is it worth the $200 bucks you save? I'd have to say it certainly is. If you have the means get it sprayed go for it ya rich momo, if you like your hard earned cash american dollars in your bank account, i have to say this is the way to go. I'm 100% satisfied with this job and it turned out 200 times better than i thought it would.



This was after maybe 2 coats still not quite there:


You can then clear coat it (lookforjoe's thread about his bumper has the product to use) but i like the way it looks now, shiny enough, but with a touch of a matte finish, very stealth.

Now for how it looks on the broom (again just some quick pics cause i realized i didn't have good ones from the front) :



MUCH better than before. like a bazillion times better... with the new Titans i got (much better than the cetus i had :P), My R finally looks like an R again :D :D :D now i just gotta tint it and paint the calipers B)

Just a quick pic while i was at work...


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paint your grille and trim, but good job on the bumper.

I've been thinking about going black mesh once i get that "economic stimulation package" from the gummament but then i'll have to move my horns..... i'd rather put the money into a new DP and exhaust and time into getting the AC back online.... as for the trim, i used that showroom new dye (only one coat) made it look a ton better still needs more tho and since the weather is getting nice it's high time... not sure i want to go black tho... maybe someone could show me how it'd look :rolleyes:?

wow that looks much better even if its just a rattle can it still looks better than before

I know right??? Rattlecan is no longer the 9 letter word i thought it was.... the difference is really phenomenal and it cost me around $30 (but honestly it doesn't look ghetto cheap). You really can't beat that ;)

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I've been thinking about going black mesh once i get that "economic stimulation package" from the gummament but then i'll have to move my horns..... i'd rather put the money into a new DP and exhaust and time into getting the AC back online.... as for the trim, i used that showroom new dye (only one coat) made it look a ton better still needs more tho and since the weather is getting nice it's high time... not sure i want to go black tho... maybe someone could show me how it'd look :rolleyes:?

well i'm prety sure a ~5dollar can of plastidip is good for you then, cheap and effective.

use kiwi shoes dye. works perfectly. and yes tint is an awesome idea. blacked out FTW!!!

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Looks fantastic. Where did you get the new Titans?


From the ebay sir.... brand spanking minty good condition with tires!!! :D. way better than before. You can kinda see here:


oh and that Audi R8.... that was my toy for a week :D I love my job :D

here's a couple more... that car was SO FU*KING FAST.... like crazy monkey fast....



and so sexy from the rear:


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wow that thing is hot.

can you get any better pics of the headlights with the LEDs off ? :D

i wish.... car had to be returned to the Audi gods..... i contemplated absconding with it... but after driving it like it was stolen for nigh on a week, didn't need to actually do it.... plus like i said the car was so insanely fast (and i've driven lamborghini's, ferraris, spykers, porches, lotuses, and a few actual race cars so i think i know pretty well what's what) that i was almost glad to be done with her.... she just begged to be beaten, and i had to oblige... but after awhile, the police start to notice <_< I'm not too sad though, there'll be many more this summer :D.

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screw the alligators I probally need a whole new front end do to that BS and theres no one to go after to pay for it other then me out of pocket :angry:

haha, i'm a n00b. i never heard of that slang for a rogue truck tread. stupid recaps. my friend's dad hit one in his seven series going 90 in the middle of the night. expensive stuff.

damn, insurance won't help out?

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