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Mechanical Temp Guage Question

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The mechanical Temp Guage in my 340 DL is pegged full to the right even with the instrument panel removed.

Can I simply remove the guage and move it to the proper start position to test it?

I got the vehicle in this condition so am unaware how it got that way or why.

Thanks for any advice,


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As no one had any suggestions, I took apart the instrument panel and removed the guage.

Moving the needle to the left I heard a click. I once again moved it fully to the left and it clicked twice.

The best part was that after the second click it returned to the normal cold position!

I reinstalled the guage and the instrument panel. Insulated the sending wire which had a break and may

have shorted causing the fully pegged right hand reading, cleaned the contacts and everything is back to

the way it should be! Problem solved!!! The guage works perfectly! ;)

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