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Coolant System Overhaul

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Saving $30 is not worth blowing a HG or having to get the car towed. Both of these will cost significantly more than $30.

Word. Go with the best you can get, you won't ever regret feeding your Volvo what it deserves.

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what about ENGINE ICE? anyone use that for their coolant?


General consensus is that all you really need is a good coolant/water mix, changed every 2 yrs or 30k miles. Any added cooling capacity that the engine ice might add is fruitless b/c the stock cooling system has no problem keeping things cool at the set temp of the thermostat even if you flog the hell out of the car on a 100 degree day. I'll second the recommendation for Zerex. A good coolant will help prevent corrosion as well so you don't have to replace heater cores so often.

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Thanks everybody for suggestions just orded all from Groton and got free shipping. They had everything in stock just will make sure it is what it supposed to be when it arrives. I dont know what anti freeze yet but have until parts get here.

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