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I Hate Horrible Drivers


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Was too tired to post it last night, but basically some fool runs a red light late last night, luckily I'm checking my rear view mirror to see him barreling down on me going atleast 60 when I'm moving at like 25.

There's no way I couldn't have gotten hit, but I didn't, I don't know how, but I moved as far right as possible slightly running my car up the sidewalk, and I promise, my senses made me literally feel how close this car came to hitting me. We seriously missed each other by about 2 inches, if I had not moved as much as I did he probably would've rear ended the monkey out of me and plowed me into this parked semi-truck and who knows what else would've been in the way This was on a two lane road with traffic comming the other way so I guess the guy's only option was to hope I saw him comming behind me instead of going into the other lane :rolleyes: . It was some kids in a riced out Celica.

Now, I caught the side of the road pretty bad :angry: , but luckily no body damage which I'm surprised about. But I have HORRIBLE curb rash on my right front rim, and there's a little chunk out the lip of the rim (Probably bent it too), and there's a small chunk out of my right rear tire. But now, something is wrong with my suspension I guess because in order to go straight the steering wheel is off center a little to the left, and when I brake from moderate speeds, I'll get a wooshing/squeeling sound on my left side. Car still drives fine, but obviously something is wrong, just more doe being put into the car unneccesarily.

:excl: Keep horrible drunk jerk dumb drivers off the road thinking they're invincible because their car looks fast to a 10 year old :excl:

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