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So Hell In A Handbasket?

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Extemists in any group are going to cause a problem. I think the 'culture' to which you refer are the extremists. Likewise, the anit-gay marriage lobbyists are religious extremists. (the ones that are going to cause the trouble that is)

Excellent point!

Can I be an extremist anti-extremist?

I have met plenty of gay people who you wouldnt know were gay, and who dont have lisps. Everything you said was just a generalization.

Exactly, adam tries his hardest to hide the limp wrist and lisp.

Dave: Rather simple argument to all of this that can easily be blown out of proportion but: free country. I mean, who cares? You do because you don't 'feel its right'. I don't feel certain religions are right but as long as the patrons of a religion don't bother anyone else, do as you please.

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Why do I get the feeling I'm talking to a chair?

ok, lets make it simple

Is there any biological or scientific proof that states "people are born gay"?

there might be evidence but is there proof and a definite YES??

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ok, lets make it simple

Is there any biological or scientific proof that states "people are born gay"?

there might be evidence but is there proof and a definite YES??

they have found a gene in the human genome that corresponds to gayness. is there proof and a definite no that there isn't a chance that people are born gay?

one of my aunts is gay and she says she chose to be gay so i believe that it can go that way but i have another friend that came out after high school, and during middle school and high school he tried not be gay by f***ing girls and acting like a homophobe but i guess that wasn't cutting it for him.

i think its impossible to prove that its one way OR the other. it has to be a mix of both in different situations.

its like there's no definite proof that life exists anywhere else in the universe... but c'mon, seriously, i totally buy ID4 :lol: it could happen!

also, great news source. FOX State Sponsored News :lol:

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Ok, its all about predispositions. The APA, and AAP state there is no scientific proof that there is a biological or genetic component to homosexuality. But their is overwhelming evidence that their is a distinct biological component to sexual orientation. The same hormones, neurotransmitters, and connections in my brain that tell me I like the opposite sex are different in those that are attracted to the same sex as themselves.

Most current research (we can all search wikipedia) shows significant neurological and physiological differences between gay and straight men.

But as always correlation does not imply causation

It's like the personality arguement, or the alcoholic arguement, is it genetic? Is it environmental? In my experience both academic and in the real world its always a combination of both.

Your genetics and biology predispose you to ceratin things, and your environment either nutures or destroys those predispositions.

I'm going to continue playing devils advocate, it's fun.

First and foremost, you being a uber educator should know that the reliability of wiki as a source is pretty much nil. So yes, we can all search wiki, but what good is it? Secondly, there are just as many studies that support the idea that it's a learned behavior or triggered effect, mostly associated with a traumatic event or a troubled childhood. You being the uber educator should know what kind of impact a troubled childhood can have? Overall, your argument is weak, it's layed out to make yourself look smarter than Dave and to spin readers into thinking that Dave is retarded and how dare he have this opinion.

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I'm going to continue playing devils advocate, it's fun.

First and foremost, you being a uber educator should know that the reliability of wiki as a source is pretty much nil. So yes, we can all search wiki, but what good is it? Secondly, there are just as many studies that support the idea that it's a learned behavior, mostly associated with a traumatic event or a troubled childhood. You being the uber educator should know what kind of impact a troubled childhood can have? Overall, your argument is weak, it's layed out to make yourself look smarter than Dave and to spin readers into thinking that Dave is retarded and how dare he have this opinion.

Wikiality.com is a better site to look stuff up on. Did you know that the population of elephants in Africa has tripled in the last six months?

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Is she hot? :) j/k. It's always been funny for me how lesbians (gay women) are more socially acceptable than gay men.

That's because they can scissor.

I was looking for South Park:


but I found this:


But seriously, child molesters catch less flak then gay people. I don't get it. If you're straight and you know it, why would it bother you so much? Live and let be. There are two gay guys in my fraternity and we're pretty damn sure a third is a closet case. But that doesn't affect who they are as people. If the one gay guy gets too drunk, he will actually take home girls. I wouldn't be surprised if the gay community (the normal part) was also in the same boat as you Dave. By that I mean sick of the flamboyant one's that have to get attention and make this whole marriage deal bigger then it really is. Marriage isn't a binding contract from God, everybody has different beliefs. Marriage is based on love and respect, and if two people want to do it, why get in their way?

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ok, I believe marriage is bound by God - My Opinion

i know that not all gays are like that

but I do not like the gay culture becuase of how they want everyone to know they are gay (i know not everyone is like that)

so all of these are my opinion and you think I am saying it as fact

I have gay friends and they are nice and do not bother me unless they try something with me or want to make sure everyone knows they are homosexuals

so to conclude :D I do not think homosexuals should marry becuase I believe it should be between a man and a woman that is bounded by God... before you try to twist my words ... it is my opinion :rolleyes:

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I'm going to continue playing devils advocate, it's fun.

First and foremost, you being a uber educator should know that the reliability of wiki as a source is pretty much nil. So yes, we can all search wiki, but what good is it? Secondly, there are just as many studies that support the idea that it's a learned behavior or triggered effect, mostly associated with a traumatic event or a troubled childhood. You being the uber educator should know what kind of impact a troubled childhood can have? Overall, your argument is weak, it's layed out to make yourself look smarter than Dave and to spin readers into thinking that Dave is retarded and how dare he have this opinion.

I'm not an uber educator, not even close. Online references are just that, references. Do I need to pull articles from scientific journals here to give you a reliable reference to a study? My experience comes from 6 years of working closely with teens and their families dealing with addictions, abuse, sexual orientation, and various emotional and behavioral issues. My argument is not weak, because having the background that I do to have a frame of reference that everything is neurological. Cognitive neuroscience, the brain and behavior, etc ... I have a monistic view on the relationship between the brain, mind, human body, and ultimatley behavior, are all one. I totally agree that biology and the environment interact to shape us into what we become. Our genetics predispose us to behave in a certain way, our environment shapes that and expresses it. I'm not laying out anything, or trying to look smarter then anybody, so don't confuse my argument with trying to make Dave look stupid. He is entitled to his opinion and I'm entitled to express what I know on the subject. People of the same sex want to marry each other? So what?

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