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Another Ac Question

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So my AC went out at the end of the 2006 summer, it went from icy cold in the beginning of the summer to luke warm by end of summer and it would sometimes go hot and then kinda cold. I figured I ran out of freon/had a leak but I lived with it until just this week. So all last summer I had no AC and I always had the AC turned off not auto. Anyways I bought a 10oz R134 can with the little nozzle and I filled her up. I know I needed more than 10oz but I wanted to see if it would even work since I hadn't used the AC in over a year. I turned the car on and turned on the AC and it blew relatively cold which was nice but the compressor cycled on and off every couple seconds. When I was driving down the road every time it would cycle on and off the car kind of stuttered. I figure I need more r134 than just 10oz but I also know jack stuff about AC so any information about what I just told you would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


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same here actually. I got through last summer fine just recharging in now and then but that doesn't seem to work this year (and it's so F*n hot now :() I'm taking it to an AC place tomorrow (got tired of dicking with a system i don't have the proper tools or training to fully understand) to get it evacuated, refilled with dye and then we'll be checking for leaks on Thursday. Praying it's not the evap but i'll let you guys know as soon as i find out. hopefully it'll shed some light on our problems!

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Jeff i have a guage from advanced auto that tells me when im full or not and when to add ect, pick up one of those first also i had dye run through my system to look for leaks they couldnt find anything which is normal if its the evaporator. Sometimes the evaporator will drip on the heat shield for the cat, but most of the time the heat just causes it to burn off, theres some kind of drain tube from the evaporator to the hear sheild

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Well I don't have a heat shield for my cat so it'll just drip on the ground/exhaust but yea I definitely don't have the system full of R134 because I only bought a 10oz. can but I wonder if the compressor is kicking on and off because I don't have enough R134 or because of a bigger more serious problem.

Good luck driving in the humid weather, want to have a no A/C party in the shade somewhere?

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Well I don't have a heat shield for my cat so it'll just drip on the ground/exhaust but yea I definitely don't have the system full of R134 because I only bought a 10oz. can but I wonder if the compressor is kicking on and off because I don't have enough R134 or because of a bigger more serious problem.

Good luck driving in the humid weather, want to have a no A/C party in the shade somewhere?

Your compressor will definitely kick on and off every couple of seconds if you don't have enough R134. Add more and you'll be fine.

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So i got my whole system evacuated and refilled with some dye to see if there is a leak, if there is one, it's small becasue the system held vacuum. Only strange thing is the guy said that my car didn't want to take any refridgerant? :huh: (pipe in if anyone has ideas here) He eventually did it the old fashioned way with the graduated cylinder thing and got it filled.

Needless to say my AC has never been so cold!!!! not even when i tried to recharge it myself last summer (but that might have been because i wasn't getting anything in there) did it ever get even close. Anyway it'll be interesting to see how long it stays cold or if it leaks out at all, but I'd have to say that for everybody having trouble with their AC even after using those recharge kits, should really take it to a professional. Not only do they have better tools (and experience) but none of us can really ever get to the bottom of an AC issue in any reasonable way without A.) having someone knowledgeble about AC look at it, and B.) without putting dye in it to track down leaks.

Sure i'm big on DIY, but not if i can't do it properly, or if there is a chance i could fubar the system or myself. When it comes to AC, i say just bite the bullet, have it evacuated and then refilled at a shop, it'll take a bunch of the guess work out of it. Although if i do have a leak, i'll be fixing it myself B)

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