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Boca Raton, Florida Meet - July 25th, 26th, 27th!


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We'll work it out tomorrow. I'll hit you up. I'm already hungry for one of those grilled cheese things.

Daily plan:

Wake up around 1

Get on VS

Check mail (for new super cool mod)

Get a gatorade

Eat GC or Chipotle

Go to Jesus's

Go to Volvo Store (hang out with Tim while he fixes my door panel lol)




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Allow me to modify so as to correlate to my awake schedule:

Daily plan:

Wake up around 1 (I'm opting for noon, just because that's probably when I'll wake my ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD up.)

Get on VS


Get a Coke

Call Matt while having said Coke to figure out whether or not we're going to GC or Chipotle... which is a baller idea, btw

Eat GC or Chipotle

Go to Jesus's

Go to Volvo Store (hang out with Tim while he fixes my door panel lol) (Hang out while they hang out so I can meet Tim/Watch Matt's car finally be done... kinda)

Leave, go home.


Meet up with Matt and Sam. Probably eat another crappy gas-station sandwich like last time


Shwasted-ness, hit on Matt's co-workers gratuitously like last time, try not to get molested by some weird girl again.

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Suspension needs to be fucking done before this. I really don't feel like having to hitch a ride, lol.

Buy the shit and we'll make it happen. You need:


Springs (optional)

2 new strut mounts

2 new spring seats

2 shock mounts


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