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I have been online since online started. I have been off line for about 5-6 years. I just rejoined and can not believe how many people play on line. When I first started maybe 200 online players and NOW 500K it is remarkable....

The games I play on line:

HALO 1, 2, 3

Call of Duty 2, 4

Ghost Recon 1, 2, 3

Need for speed (ALL)

Gear of Wars and more...

What do you all like playing on line.

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Battlefield Bad Company is pretty cool. otherwise ya halo, cod, Forza, Madden, GR/GRAW.

btw toooons of ppl were on back in the day usin xbox connect for halo 1 oh the memories.

I have both and the Xbox360 the xbox360 is Awesome.

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I'm a Development Director for EA, and also an avid gamer, feel free to add me to your Live friends if you want:

Volvoluvin is the handle.


- Bioshock

- Forza 2

- Rockband

- GTA (ps3)

- Burnout Paradise

- GT Prologue (ps3)

- Mass Effect (PC)

Never been a huge online console guy, but starting to think I would like to get into it...

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Games i have just for 360

Armored Core 4

Call of Duty 4


Forza 2

Gears of War

Grand Theft Auto 4

Guitar Hero II

Guitar Hero III

Halo 3


Lost planet



Rock Band

I've had a bunch more but traded a bunch in over the years, really wish that i had held on to test drive unlimited, i loved that game.

Hit me up on xbox live if you want to play some guitar hero or forza, gamertag is moyn1

Just got the urge to play forza so i'll prob be on that all night

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hy Everyone

I dont got a 360 (till now ^_^ ) but i really really got a problem with guitar hero 3! I am in the third difficulty now (Expert and not Pro) and try to play the Song "Barracuda" by "Heart".

I am not able to play this 3 notes coming so fast after the other! Do i wiggle the button down there (not the colored ones, i dont know the english expression for that button) or just hammer it down or up three times.


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gamertag: PH Dizzle

online play is a problem 4 me lately because my 360 does not like to play games :angry:

when i do get on its


Forza 1&2

Halo 3



mostly i just stream movies from my computer, got about 250 now

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mojo, for gh3 on some of the songs with those 3 note repeats such as bararacuda and raining blood you don't necessaryly have to strum 123 123 123 123, it will let you just do a continous strum at a slightly lower speed than the notes without taking breaks, so basicly you could just strum at a constant speed and it will read it as you playing all the notes since it gives you a little free way if you hit a note right before your were soposed to or right after you were soposed to.

other than that, for that part in that song i would strum up and down, if your not used to struming up and down now would be a good time to learn since its really needed for songs later in the play list, hope that helps


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