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2000 Volvo S80 T6 - 2 Questions


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I have 2 questions about the problems that my volvo has and I am ging to try to explain as much as I can. I hope you will be able to understand them because my English is poor on explaining mechanical problems.

The first one is, on the left screen of the dash where it gives you information about millage and gas, it sometimes says " Alarm Triggered Check Car" and when it says this I noticed that the red light on the middle of dash is blinking faster than normal. When I bought this car 2 months ago, it didn't have the keyless entry and I brought to the Volvo dealer and programmed one by paying like 250 bucks. What are your recommendations about this issue? Should I bring it back to the Dealer?

The second problem that actually scares me is the Idle problem, it may not be the idle problem but that is how I named it. Here is the problem, When I start the car the needle moves up and down between 5mph and 7mph also the dash and ceiling lights dimming like goes weak and comes back like when you about the loose electricity you know how lights go weak that is what happens, and the engine sounds weird like every 0.5 seconds makes vir vir vir vir like pushing the gas pedal itself to keep the engine running. When I push the gas the lights go back to normal and engine sounds ok. Yesterday when I was testing again, it actually stopped and had to restart again...I hope it is not a big problem. I await your replies. Thanks in advance....

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no idea about the alarm.

the second problem almost sounds like it might be the alternator or voltage regulator from the electrical fluctuations. i had some of those symptoms when my alternator failed. the stock alternator is probably the 120amp, you can get a 160 amp OEM to replace it.

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Let me give you an update on this issue. It did it again when I start the car this morning but after driving a little I stopped to see if it is going to do it again and it didn't. I came to work, shut it off and restarted and did it again. Do you still think it is most likely the alternator?


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what is the part called that controls the Idle when you start the car?

the throttle? it's possible your Electronic Throttle Module needs cleaning or replacement (an extended warranty item see pinned thread). the S80 has all electronic controls and systems.

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That is what I was thinking too but can't be sure unless I bring it to the dealer.. I don't know how to go to that pinned thread, can you copy and paste the link here? Thanks...

pinned threads at the top of this sub-forum.



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I brought my S80 to the dealer yesterday and told him that it could be the electronic throttle which is still in warranty, when I said that, replacement yes but not cleaning.. is this true? I think whatever needs to be done should be in warranty if it is the throttle.. What u all think?

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Here is what dealer said :(

Vacum Hose, (replace)

Intake Clean,

Spark Plugs, (replace)

Cam Reset Valve (replace) - I may have written it wrong. What is the correct name of this part?

1 engine mount

1200 bucks....... freaking expensive....What should I do guys? I will need to pay 105 anyway...

I am thinking to bring it to another mechanic that is cheaper and get all these done...

I await your replies...

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You should have no problem doing most of those, replacing vacuum lines, cleaning the intake (I imagine he is talking about the inside of the hoses? or the MAF?). Spark plugs are easy enough, and I'm not sure what is required with the Cam Reset Valve, and did he tell you which motor mount it is? Because if its the one on the top of the motor it should be nice and easy to replace with the one from IPD.

You can replace the top motor mount in about 20 minutes (tops) with common hand tools, hack saw, screwdriver, and a mallet are what I used.

heres a picture of mine of it in its packaging, its the one on the top.


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