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Another Boomin850 Problem


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well after reading about the problems brendan is having with mike i just thought i would share my story. i feel as if mie should no longer be allowed to sell or even be apart of this board for what he has done to now TWO members who have never had any problems in the years they have been here. first lets start at the begining, i blew my motor as many of you know and mike had a "great" built motor that he would sell me at the great price of $4300 and would install it too!!! wow thats great at this point he is a great guy and is helping me with my many questions (you know the type that should be asked). we get the motor in and now my trans doesnt work he has a HUGE problem with this because apparently my trans was bad before hand and I neglegted to tell him, lets just say my trans was fine!!! Luckly he has his old trans he even says he will give me in earlier pm’s then he changes his mind and decides to make a quick buck off of it…. Well what do you know it doesn’t work, that’s when I started to realize he is a complete tard and BROKE MY GOOD TRANS!!!!! So he finally gets another one and has everything back together finally after almost a month. I go to pick up the car and guess what there is still stuff not working/broken on the car. Well I have no choice but to pick it up, I am very very bussy and have no other time to do it, along with I need a car when my fiancée comes to visit me in 2 days, I told him this as soon as the second trans didn’t work so he had plenty of time to do everything. Well after driving it around for a while I realized it leaks coolant bad (I have fixed it since then) and then I started to realize that it leaks oil. So I take it to the Volvo dealership and they say the motor was put together WRONG!!! And I am having blow by in all cylenders. And it will take 60 working hours to fix this and at $102 an hour this is bad news!!! So I have come to the conclusion mike knew about this problem, I mean how can you drive a car for 10k on a bad motor and not know? He is ither a serious tard or he knew it and had to get rid of it some how. And he also broke my trans and charged me for his mistake. I took out a loan from my parents to get this all fixed, so now I owe the $5000 and have nothing to show for it!!! I thought I would be able to fix the oil leak because it wasn’t that bad but after finding out later that the motor needs to be rebuilt has left me in a really bad position. I have already contacted the person interested in the car and told him I cant sell it to him because of this. I know have no money and no time to fix this, I am way to busy with my “A” school and cant do anything with the car. so I would really just like to thank mike for doing this to me, now I am out 5k a car, a buyer for the car, and the car I want to buy. THANKS MIKE YOU ARE A GRADE A SELLER THAT IS FOR SURE!!!!


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Maybe it happened during shipping :rolleyes:

:lol: , I could point fingers all day. Instead I haven't pointed any. I just am not going back to the original builder. Unfortunately, Jonathon didn't tell me (and maybe Mike) about issues a couple people were having with over boring. However, the builder should have measured each piston and filed the rings correctly if that was the issue. Something about the instructions with the pistons being wrong according to Jonathon.

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wow this really sucks man i was really hoping to get this car also. come on mike at least speak for self

he wont he knows what he did he has not been back on since i got my car back from him why would he get on now? and if anyone wants to see ome pm's about how he said he would GIVE me the trans let me know and i will post them all!!!!


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Since Mike hasnt added this to the thread, I will just add what he mentioned to me so people can get more of the story.

Another issue with the motor was that it was just resting incorrectly on the rear motor mount. It wasnt sitting on the stud, it was just lying on the side of the mount. That is a main support of the engine, and for it to be disconnected like that is very dangerous.

Good luck with everything Mike.

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