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Another Boomin850 Problem


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couldnt have said it better myself,.. and obviously he's been reading all these post, since his friend scanned the paper and posted it. What fucking loser

Come on, someone should post a buyer beware on TB on the POS 2jz swap 740 Boomin is sellin'



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yea i dont want a warrenty on a motor that is suppose to be good. i trusted mike, and he monkeyed me its not ok what he did i dont care if i did drive MY CAR like a nut i dont care if he was rushed with a deadline he knew about 2 weeks before he sold me a pos motor and didnt bother to tell anyone about it. and really even if i did post the for sale thread knowing about all of this (i didnt) i rated myself out in the end so who is the bigger man? me or someone who has a friend try to defend his ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD. everyone keeps asking where is he, ill tell you where he is he is hiding and praying that i dont press charges.... hmmm who do you guys think would win, me and a officer of the united states navy or some socal hippie and a $0.02 lawyer?


Better call the LAWL OFFICE! :lol:

Press charges? HUH? What planet are you from? You could try small claims, maybe? But on what grounds? Hippie? LOLOLOL :lol: BTW, Mike's uncle won some precedent-setting supreme court cases, so LOL

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yea i dont want a warrenty on a motor that is suppose to be good. i trusted mike, and he fucked me its not ok what he did i dont care if i did drive MY CAR like a nut i dont care if he was rushed with a deadline he knew about 2 weeks before he sold me a pos motor and didnt bother to tell anyone about it. and really even if i did post the for sale thread knowing about all of this (i didnt) i rated myself out in the end so who is the bigger man? me or someone who has a friend try to defend his ass. everyone keeps asking where is he, ill tell you where he is he is hiding and praying that i dont press charges.... hmmm who do you guys think would win, me and a officer of the united states navy or some socal hippie and a $0.02 lawyer?


besides Mike not being here, what do you think about going up to see my Volvo guy? i seriously think it will be worth the time and money...you will know 100% what needs to be done, and if it's easy to fix, get it done, sell the car for what it's worth, or keep it and enjoy it man....you're out of $4500, and I can't begin to tell you how much that has to suck, but don't take the dealer's word for it....they didn't do a compression test on the engine....i'm hoping it's something small.

i can even give you a phone number for the guy who did my manual swap and did the body work on my car...he does mobile volvo checkups...he can drive down to S.D. and inspect the car and give you the best opinion possible with the tools and expertise he has for a fair price...he won't be able to crack the engine open, but if you have a compression tester (or you can ask him if he does), he can really give you a good idea of what has to be done....

lots of options, you just have to pursue them now.....

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Better call the LAWL OFFICE! :lol:

Press charges? HUH? What planet are you from? You could try small claims, maybe? But on what grounds? Hippie? LOLOLOL :lol: BTW, Mike's uncle won some precedent-setting supreme court cases, so LOL

i dont care what he did. im not pressing charges i want it to end with people not being able to buy his crap... that he knows is crap and just doesnt tell anyone about it.


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besides Mike not being here, what do you think about going up to see my Volvo guy? i seriously think it will be worth the time and money...you will know 100% what needs to be done, and if it's easy to fix, get it done, sell the car for what it's worth, or keep it and enjoy it man....you're out of $4500, and I can't begin to tell you how much that has to suck, but don't take the dealer's word for it....they didn't do a compression test on the engine....i'm hoping it's something small.

i can even give you a phone number for the guy who did my manual swap and did the body work on my car...he does mobile volvo checkups...he can drive down to S.D. and inspect the car and give you the best opinion possible with the tools and expertise he has for a fair price...he won't be able to crack the engine open, but if you have a compression tester (or you can ask him if he does), he can really give you a good idea of what has to be done....

lots of options, you just have to pursue them now.....

thanks pras but im hus trying to sell this now i cant aford to have it fixed i am flat broke and owe my parents money for this motor :( now not only dont i have a car that runs i jus screwed my parents and made myself look like an moron in there eyes weather they want to admit it or not. unfortunantly after this whole thing i think i am getting out of the volvo game :unsure: i dont want to but now that i cant afford parts for it i cant do too much. thanks mike now i have to sell my dream car this hurts it really does


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Better call the LAWL OFFICE! :lol:

Press charges? HUH? What planet are you from? You could try small claims, maybe? But on what grounds? Hippie? LOLOLOL :lol: BTW, Mike's uncle won some precedent-setting supreme court cases, so LOL

hey monkeyer get the monkey out of here. You are just a little oh yeah! you got it. tell you friend to come and post here if he is a man not a tazzy. ;) ;) ;) ;)

by the way who are you to speak on his behalf. :angry:


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Guest 300+_T5R_855

We can't hold the orbit much longer Mr. Scott, do something.

I am going as fast as I can captain, but she's gonna blow if I push her any harder.


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Car only over heats for a few reason

Fan control broken

Thermostate is bad

Bad headgasket

shitty engine build

engine built by moron

engine installed by moron

I might be missing one or two but you get my point

Thanks Justin, I thought this would never end

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Baker, I'm just saying that if it's something that can be fixed very easily, you can recoup alot of the money for sure. Right now, you're not getting anything, and you're out $4500. Believe me, it's worth getting diagnosed properly...if it is really screwed, then you know, and can take what you can, but if not, it can be a good thing for you man.

Someone convince him to do the diagnosis properly...compression and leak down first, and then moving from there....seriously, a couple hundred in the scheme of things is not much, especially if you hit the jackpot and find out it's something not so major.

Come on man. If I were still in CA, this would have been taken care of...you wouldn't even have to waste your time. I would handle the entire thing. Unfortunately, I'm not there!

Do it! I have good resources out there that you can get in touch with! I can even get you in touch with Brad in Chula Vista and he might be able to help. He's a good guy, and he's done alot with his car!

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