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Another Boomin850 Problem


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Okay, I just read Baker's FS thread on SS.

I gotta say something although when I do I almost always say dumb things but here goes.

Baker, you are both ignorant and deceitful.

From your last post on your FS thread on SS,

"p.s. the bumper rash is almost completly gone after like 4 car washes now"

Ever heard of polish? WTF? Do you really know that little? And if you do know that little, your credibility in discussing an operation such an engine swap is seriously in question. Mike, on the other hand, does have the technical credibility, though he has apparently chosen not to participate in this conversation.

And on top of all that, your FS thread on SS is wholly deceptive. I'm glad the last dude called you out on that. I do not know about Mike, but I certainly have formed an impression of your character now.

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Okay, I just read Baker's FS thread on SS.

I gotta say something although when I do I almost always say dumb things but here goes.

Baker, you are both ignorant and deceitful.

From your last post on your FS thread on SS,

"p.s. the bumper rash is almost completly gone after like 4 car washes now"

Ever heard of polish? WTF? Do you really know that little? And if you do know that little, your credibility in discussing an operation such an engine swap is seriously in question. Mike, on the other hand, does have the technical credibility, though he has apparently chosen not to participate in this conversation.

And on top of all that, your FS thread on SS is wholly deceptive. I'm glad the last dude called you out on that. I do not know about Mike, but I certainly have formed an impression of your character now.

You mean compound not polish. ;)

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QUOTE (Plan_B @ Jul 3 2008, 01:41 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And yet, you're still here..............where's Mike?

I agree. Baker has a steep learning curve ahead of him.

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Baker, I have to admit, Mike may not have done the right thing, but your postings are questionable too, at this point. I think that at this point, you have no choice but to get the car checked out.

I am PM'ing you the info you need. I would go to Anders over Traynor's, only because he's seen my performance stuff more than Tim. Tim worked on my car alot before all the mods were done.

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Okay, I just read Baker's FS thread on SS.

I gotta say something although when I do I almost always say dumb things but here goes.

Baker, you are both ignorant and deceitful.

From your last post on your FS thread on SS,

"p.s. the bumper rash is almost completly gone after like 4 car washes now"

Ever heard of polish? WTF? Do you really know that little? And if you do know that little, your credibility in discussing an operation such an engine swap is seriously in question. Mike, on the other hand, does have the technical credibility, though he has apparently chosen not to participate in this conversation.

And on top of all that, your FS thread on SS is wholly deceptive. I'm glad the last dude called you out on that. I do not know about Mike, but I certainly have formed an impression of your character now.

Right on, somebody's got the right idea now. :)

Looks like somebody already posted on the SS FS thread with a link to here, so Baker doesn't have to worry about that anymore.

We need proof of what is wrong with the engine, everything else is just speculation and unfair to Boomin. Let's see some proof. <_<

Agreed that Boomin should respond, it looks bad on his part.

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Mbaker, I just read your for sale post over on SS.

Make sure you tell that person what he or she is getting into before someone buys your headache. Don't try to dump it off to an unsuspecting individual like boomin did to you. I'm not saying you have or have not already told someone on SS via a im etc., but do disclose that info to them.


Only reason I say anything is because there was a guy who posted something to the affect of "PM sent, I want to buy your car" and you have only mentioned paint scratches, no odometer or speedometer working. After reading this 15 page fiasco, I feel there is more wrong with it than that, and i'm sure you can agree. Not your fault, but do what is right if you haven't done so already. ;)

ohh sh!t i haent been on ss in a bit thanks for reminding me :arob:

QUOTE (matt b @ Jul 3 2008, 06:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
He already updated TB, sounds like he might have forgotten SS.

yea im not too big on ss so it just sliped my mind

Baker, I have to admit, Mike may not have done the right thing, but your postings are questionable too, at this point. I think that at this point, you have no choice but to get the car checked out.

I am PM'ing you the info you need. I would go to Anders over Traynor's, only because he's seen my performance stuff more than Tim. Tim worked on my car alot before all the mods were done.

yea i see that my postings are questionable... but even if i did know at that point (i didnt) i still killed any sale on the car anyway due to this thread. and i am going to contant those people to find out whats wrong.


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LoL so you guys have final lured me on here. Im posting from my gf’s acct (since I am banned till Mar 28 2011 B) )she made months ago so don’t start bitching about making new accts and what not. I guess lets start with the beginning and work our way up to the giant yellow turd.

The issue with Brendan was somewhat serious, and more or less unfortunate. He first contacted me ~3wk or so after the suspension arriving He said the intermediate mount was broken and there was no hardware. Well, the hardware part was dumb to me, but I told him I’d pay for both. He eventually just brushed it off and decided he’d just pay for it later. Days later I get another pm saying there is major damage to the struts and he wants his money back. :lol: yea a little from left field. There was no documentation, just him saying they were bad. It was funny though since they worked just fine on my car that I couldn’t even comprehend them being as monkeyed up as he described. Basically since he didn’t even prove anything to me and just wanted money back I told him I wasn’t going to, and if he tried the whole paypal dispute thing that our conversations on VS was done. I also told him that the dispute would be pointless b/c he would not win. The next morning I wake up to a email about a pending dispute. Blah blah blah time goes by and finally pictures come up. 20 days goes by and he escalates the claim and is immediately shot down b/c it doesn't meet paypal's requirements. I agree the damage looks like pliers of some sort but it was not done by me. Did I know the damage was there…NO, within minutes of them being off my car they were in boxes waiting to be shipped. Do I ever using pliers on struts for install? monkey no, sounds like something Adam would do. I still don’t think the damage shown even did anything. It looks purely cosmetic. The only way that the shock would compress that much is if someone wasn’t using bump stops or had Justin’s mom in the car. The bottom line was after a months time if you are asking for a large sum of money back from anyone that is not even a vendor, it’s more than likely not happening. If Brendan would have come to me within a week or whatever, than I would have been more than happy to work with him. I’ve refunded big purchases before w/o problem as long as it’s timely and well proven things are wrong.

Now lets do something fun….how about the kid that got the gauge. What a turd. You are complaining about a poking retainer?! Talk about jumping on the bandwagon. That isn’t needed to get everything working now is it? I stand behind what I said, everything was there for install. 95% of VS uses pressure fit pods for mounting. Stop crying about a $1 part when you got the gauge for like $15 or whatever.

Next, Zaitz. The tip is 3’’ inlet isn’t it? I mean did I not take a picture of it directly from the top too? I know you weren’t complaining much on here, but I wanted to address it. If you need something though get in contact with me.

How about Juan now?! LoL you are still a dumbass too. If you are going to look at a car for someone and can’t even notice the trip, odometer, etc aren’t working then you are worthless. Sure, you said you could take it to your indie, but if you couldn’t even notice that, or the fact that it drove like complete stuff then maybe cars just aren’t for you. It cost me $2k plus for that one and no one blinked an eye…lol good times. Im over it now, but you brought it up so “here’s your sign.”

Now for the big winner. The big badass navy boy. The engine worked great in my car end of story for that one. I posted what I had for compression within minutes of getting the numbers. So don’t even start with that one. Baker was definitely an interesting guy that helped little in the scheme of things. All he really did was monkey over his dp bolts to the point that they weren’t coming off unless you had an a few hours to mess with them. As for the drinking while installing stuff….omgz a beer or two over several hours….we might as well board the failboat right?! If anything Baker was the only one even getting tipsy at that point. I clearly even remember me working on getting the passenger axle out while he was getting more beer for himself. After the whole thing was done that first weekend we took him to Irvine where Yang proceeded to get him to SD while I paid his gas. Came back thinking that Baker was the most annoying/inconsiderate person I’ve met for a long time. Pretty much no disregard for the house, the food, etc. In regards to the time frame…yea I’m soooo going to work on this yellow headache during my finals at school. Obviously I wasn’t going to spend the 16+ hr work days that I did over that first weekend. When I did finally get everything running and working what do I know…Baker was coming the next day. I warned him, and even told him I’d rather that he didn’t come until Sunday, but he insisted and wanted his car back ASAP. All I got to do was drive the car down the street and back, and he knew that. I worked all Saturday morning to put the front end of his car on and start disassembling his old motor so he could keep the cylinder head. Then when I was at work he came to pick up the car. My gf was there to tell him about the speedo and to not drive it hard on the way home. (The reason I told him not to drive hard was not because of break-in either, it was due to the fact that the car had far more water than coolant, and it was a 300+mile drive home while all I go to do earlier was drive it down the street. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out if you want your best chances to make it home, don’t drive like a douche bag ) He looked over the car, even drove it around the block or whatever before signing the waiver shown early by Ari. He then got everything together and left. It wasn’t 15mins later when I got the call from Ari telling me he saw him going WOT down the street. After that I didn’t really here from him again for a little while. Next came the questions…”Did your car ever overheat? Any idea what it could be?” etc. I suggested the fan relay and once again that was the last I heard from him until some long ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD email saying “You knew all this stuff was wrong with the car and didn’t tell me” etc etc. Bottom line was you drove the car like a complete dumbass and even ADMITTED to overheating the car. Now although the great VS jury has spoken…it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that overheating a car is bad and will cause a plethora of problems. Again, great VS jury…way to judge on something that hasn’t even gotten checked out. If this guy thinks he can drive like that home, post fs on SS like that, you are going to take his word that the engine is now stuff? Once again, how does the overheating come into play with that again if something indeed is wrong? Honestly all I’ve done is sit back and enjoy all the stuff talking. I got kicked out of the house for that POS yellow car (at a happier place now anyways though) and could really care less what happens since I know he disobeyed many of the things I told him. (coolant temp sensor…decided to thread it in anyways with Teflon tape, continue to tighten down the DP bolts when I told him it was fine, drive like a tool on his way home, etc etc). Honestly thought after all this I could really care less what you all think about what happened. Those that were there know what happened.

Now I’ve made a lot of friends on here, and I’ll keep in touch. This was basically my last hoorah since I really am just not into these cars anymore. There are far too many better options if you are going to mod a car, but for now I’ll stick with my 242. Goodluck to everyone in their adventures, but just be warned, don’t sell anything of high value if you think the other party is incompetent. You are just asking for problems.


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