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Another Boomin850 Problem


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e they did not do touch the belt), and the writer would need to contact the customer for the OK to perform work past what it was in for since it was not a warranty situation.

Not picking on you Pras, just felt the need to point out incorrect statements, unfortunatly, both of them by you, and give the correct info......... :lol:

Boy an I glad I have 1 of 74 Volvo certified Expert Techs in my corner when I'm unsure of something. I gave him a 4 litre bottle of Volvo trans fluid and asked him what model(s) it's used in since it came in as an incorrect shipment and I was unfamiliar with the part #. He screwed off the top and smelled it then told me what models it was for!!

don't excuse your self, most of Booming defense was incorrect bs, so not surprised that Pras gave a false argument. that's ok, not worth to aruge it. Majority still know who was right in this situation, right c70 gurl?

oh, no worries at all. i don't know much about the numbers, so i'm glad you chimed in and explained it.....you're right, then. the first step needs to be to adjust the timing to what it should be....

get over it you dirty whore! get back to fishing or boating or whatever the hell it is that you do :P

Lamest excuse eveeeer. Even Grant can do better than that.. Booming mike, are u planing to refund money to Brendan and Mike?

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don't excuse your self, most of Booming defense was incorrect bs, so not surprised that Pras gave a false argument. that's ok, not worth to aruge it. Majority still know who was right in this situation, right c70 gurl?

Lamest excuse eveeeer. Even Grant can do better than that.. Booming mike, are u planing to refund money to Brendan and Mike?

my refund is out of the question and never once have i asked for one and i want that to be very very clear!!!! now with brendan i think he should get 100% of his money back but as for me i have come to the conclusion i will never see a dime of that money i spent. now if mike did want to be very generous he would offer to pay for the timing and pcv fix but once again im probably never going to see that and im not going to demand/ask for it. im not that kind of person no matter what they say about me being a "rude" house guest i still dont see how i was. i slept on the couch used the bathroom to shower and what not never once did i take anything (even water) without asking... wait never once did i take anything at all. i never treated anyone with any kind of disrespect, and i thanked him many times for helping me. even if it was a shity install he still did it and well the cars does run. and even when he said that he couldnt work on the car becasue of his finals i even told him thats fine and school should come first. and as for the beer i thought when you brought beer to a place and some one askes (witch i did) for one and they say help yourself that that was a ok to have a few. and also for me not helping much i also told mike and he said it was cool due to the fact i had never done anything like this before. never once have i ever been labled as a rude guest, i guess they were just upset that adam was paying for beer and pizza when justin was doing his install but then again adam didnt pay justin $4300 for a motor. i really hope pras was right and that i will have a strong running motor after i fix those few things. if its not too much to ask i would now like this thread to be closed becasue what needed to be done has been done, i will post up what happens afer i finish fixing everyting, that will include new numbers for compresson and leak down. thank you for everone who has helped me with this whole situation and i will keep you all posted on what happens in the following weeks with this car.

thanks alot


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don't excuse your self, most of Booming defense was incorrect bs, so not surprised that Pras gave a false argument. that's ok, not worth to aruge it. Majority still know who was right in this situation, right c70 gurl?

Lamest excuse eveeeer. Even Grant can do better than that.. Booming mike, are u planing to refund money to Brendan and Mike?

god, I think you now need to be banned. i don't even know what excuse or argument you're talking about....i simply wanted Baker to get it checked, which he did, and he might find an easy solution, which is looking more and more likely. seriously Ilya, what the hell are you talking about? can someone talk some sense into the KGB lol

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ohh it is and i am going to do the pcv system soon and then have my timing belt and everything changed and fixed.


Don't bother with that at this time, the pcv systen is just an outlet for the blow-by, it will not create any of the problems that have been talked about.

To reply to Chuck, I'm not conceding anything, just pointing out some mis-statements and hopefully make it a bit easier to narrow down exactly what the major issue(s) really are, it's a lot of speculation at this point. Correcting the valve timing is just eliminating one, now known possibility. ;)

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don't excuse your self, most of Booming defense was incorrect bs, so not surprised that Pras gave a false argument. that's ok, not worth to aruge it. Majority still know who was right in this situation, right c70 gurl?

I'm not excusing myself, just stating that I was not attacking pras becuse I pointed out two incorrect things he had posted (like that's the first time it happened by anyone on this site :lol::lol: ) Just because Pras posted something that was incorrect, not intentionally - he just did not know better, I just wanted to make sure mbaker has the right info to proceed and not waste any $$. Again Baker, first thing is to correct KNOWN problems and eliminate KNOWN issues.

It would be a full time job correcting all the incorrect and misinformation that gets posted here (not just this thread). :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:

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god, I think you now need to be banned. i don't even know what excuse or argument you're talking about....i simply wanted Baker to get it checked, which he did, and he might find an easy solution, which is looking more and more likely. seriously Ilya, what the hell are you talking about? can someone talk some sense into the KGB lol

I thought he (karlson) was refering to me......................

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This thread has had more drama in it than a whole season of the Young and the Restless.

Who is right and who is wrong in this epic battle? The world may never know. Almost like asking "how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop?" :o

On a side note, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!

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