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My Nurburgring Trip


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top speed? on track i doubt i hit over 130mph. on the way there i did hit an indicated 150 ish but being daytime i started getting nervous at that point.

i did time myself on track actually. well, i didn't time myself as such but my passenger had a camera, i thought he was taking pictures but he was actually taking a video. my first lap was embarassing. i was just talking so much rubbish :arob:

the last lap videoed turned out to be a 9 min 55-56 second lap. nothing brilliant but not too bad for a first timer i think. i did do a few laps afterwards and i know i was quicker as i was just carrying more speed easily in some parts. i reckon, realistically i may have done a 9 min 45 ish. thing is though, when you're there, just doing a lap seems like such a priviledge(sp?).

JC, have you posted any vids up? would like to see how it can be done in a volvo :)

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JC, have you posted any vids up? would like to see how it can be done in a volvo :)

sure... :)


Highest speed in the vid around 150mph right before Schwedenkreus, around 140mph down into the Fuchsrohre. (actually in this vid its slower in FR because of yellow warning lights and oil signs)

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excellent!! :D

please tell me, at the time of this lap what did you have for tyres, brakes, camber, bhp and anything else you think useful :D

"140mph down into the Fuchsrohre" that is some big balls stuff!! video takes so much away :(

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