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Kerry's Got A Set Of Stones


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This is just amazing. Its like the last year and a half hasn't happened. Its like Kerry never opposed the war when the polls went that way.

He says we need allies, but then complains when we use them to hunt for bin laden.

Says our troops need better body armor, but voted against the bill for that body armor.

Bagging on our allies and then saying he supports them.

Refering to the Cuban Missile Crisis! Man.

Says he could do better on the ground in Iraq. Has he ever visited Iraq?

Ooops. Sanctions won't work unless other countries are involved now. According to Kerry.

Guess who gave North Korea the nuclear weapons. Jimmy Carter and Clinton! Now it is Bush's fault according to Kerry. Wow. He doesn't want to go into Iraq unilaterally, but supports negotiation between us and N. Korea only. Not their neighbors, not the people that could be hurt by their nuclear weapons, but just the U.S. and them. Huh? Isn't that unilateral action on our part? He just said that we can have bilateral talks with N. Korea and include China as well. Wouldn't that be trilateral talks then?

Uh, oh. He just brough up the fake draft. The one proposed by two democrats. Charlie Wrangle and Fritz Hollings. They don't think enough rich people are dying in our millitary actions so they want to draft them. Never mind that we have a Volunteer Millitary.

Now John Kerry is going to get all the nukes in Russia in 4 years, but somehow Bush isn't? Kerry voted to gut our intelligence about every chace he could get, but now he is going to get all Russia's loose nukes. Seems he voted against all the actions we did in the cold war too. Now he is going to get tough?

I wonder if his global test is multiple choice? :P

"I defended this country as a young man in war..." He didn't mention betraying his fellow troops by lying to congress about them committing atrocities on a daily basis.

Say anything no matter how stupid or contradicing it is. Just hope the public doesn't do their homework. That seems to be his motto. I think the people of this country are smarter than that.

Best JK quote of the night:

"Certainty sometimes can get you in trouble."

Yeah, that is something I want to hear from a leader.

Do you really want the guy who published this book to be anywhere near our armed forces?


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im a democrat...mostly. certainly not a kerry fan and not quite sure how he ended up where he is, i dont find him the personable person we usually have going. Im not a bush fan, i dont hate bush by any means, he did a mcuh better job than many gave him credit for(democrats) however i think he could do better, or someone else could do better. i could be wrong but i think voter turnout is going to be pretty crappy this year, if anyone feels even remotely like me, im pretty disatisfied w/ both men.

in alot of ways i hate to say it but i miss Clinton

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I agree with Pat, even if you dont like bush (and thats fine), how could you possibly put faith in someone who contridicts himself mid sentence?

God... what an idi ot. Sat through about 2 minute of the debate and then just turned the channel.

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I am not totally pleased with Bush. I think some of his policies aren't all that great. I wasn't for him in the last election, but he has impressed me with his resolve. He has impressed me as being a decent human being. He has impressed me with being consistant. I'll take someone who is consistant and is strong on defense any day. Most of our troubls in the world today are because we pull out of conflicts before finishing them and giving the impression to our enemies that that we are weak. Bush is strong in this area and I think it is for the best.

However I couldn't dream of Voting for Kerry. Not a chance. I might not like all of Bush's positions, but I like Kerry's even less.

Edited by InlineTurbo
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a strong republican leader w/ a good head and some experience would really change alot of my generations radically liberal views i think. not saying im a repub, but i could be. i just dont like the conservative side, mostly the older ideals that seem to be being edged off the cliff.

on the same note a strong democratic leader would encourage all the youngin's who are so radically liberal to vote more, much larger voter turnout in the youth i would think. im pretty liberal personally, but i try to keep an open mind. i would never necessarily vote for a prez b/c i thought he was cool in my mind, or like me the most, i know im somewhat radically liberal, so i vote for a prez who i think would do this country the way it needs to be done, wiht my interests in mind :-)

still sort of unsure which one that is gonna be...hmm

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There is another side to everything you say. You wanna talk about war and foreign policy? You need to start with a history of our country and its wars to even begin to understand who we are. Answer these questions.

Why did we invade Mexico?

Why did we invade the Philippines?

Why did we go to Cuba during the revolution? What did we force Cuba to sign before we would leave?

Why did we enter WWI?

What I am trying to suggest is that all you folks stop listening to all the right wing left wing mudslinging for just a while, and think BIG PICTURE. Learn a little about the geo-political history of our country and come back with a frame of reference that might enable you to think a little more objectively on your own.

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There is another side to everything you say.  You wanna talk about war and foreign policy?  You need to start with a history of our country and its wars to even begin to understand who we are.  Answer these questions.

Why did we invade Mexico?

Why did we invade the Philippines?

Why did we go to Cuba during the revolution?  What did we force Cuba to sign before we would leave?

Why did we enter WWI?

What I am trying to suggest is that all you folks stop listening to all the right wing left wing mudslinging for just a while, and think BIG PICTURE.  Learn a little about the geo-political history of our country and come back with a frame of reference that might enable you to think a little more objectively on your own.

This helps Kerry and his many positions on the war and outright lies in the debate how? Just saw Tommy Franks being interviewed and he said he was suprised that Kerry wasn't factually correct in quoting him. Kerry is now going to have the tough job of defending the things he said tonight. I don't envy him this. IIRC Kerry admited that there wer WMDs in IRAQ early on in the debate by saying they were going across the boarder. Though I'd need a tape of the debate to be certain.

Right now we have a problem with fighting terrorists. All countries have this problem. I don't care if it is a republican or democrat in office who does the job. I just want the job done right. Kerry isn't the guy to do the job right. He stabbed fellow troops in the back. That is something that won't be forgotten even by todays millitary. It isn't partisan one way or the other to point that out. He shifts positions on issues depending on public opinion. These things can't be argued. This isn't about getting my guy or your guy elected. Its about doing the right thing and making America a safe place.

Edited by InlineTurbo
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I'm not going to bother to read most of this thread, but here's my 2 cents. There are really only two things I'm afraid of right now. The first is Bush winning the election. The second is Kerry winning the election.

What about Nader getting more that 200 people to vote for him?

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