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The Real Obama

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Obama didn't change anything in illinois... he hasn't tried to change anything while at the congressional level... why should i believe him when he says he will bring about change?

Among the educated voters McCain and Obama are tied... among non-educated, minorities, and women Obama has the lead.

I'm kind of up in the air... i like some of the things Obama says... but his track record is anything but him bringing about change... and i like some of the things McCain says ( and actually does ).

I'm the obscure federalist in the crowd though.

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if we get out of iraq/iran whatever... they will just go back to their dictatorship/the way they were before.

In my opinion, this is inevitable. You are not going to "americanize" an entire conutry with a radically different perspective on life.

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In my opinion, this is inevitable. You are not going to "americanize" an entire conutry with a radically different perspective on life.

well its not about americanizing them

its about giving them some sort of structure where they do not start killing themselves and have another ruler like Saddam... if we were to leave it would go back to sh1t

and if you say no it will not... you are a liar

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Now Obama has switched his position on off shore drilling after crushing McCain on this subject. Thje Dems tabled all votes and bailed for 5weeks. They will not allow a vote.Why? Because they will get beat on it. Fickle Prez candidate and obstructionist Congressional leadership. Sound like a plan for economic disaster to me. Go ahead vote for 'em, I'll hold you all personally responsible fro the collapse of economy! JK, but you get what you pay for.

Off shore drilling is a joke. It is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. While i do not believe that the oil companies are responsible for finding alternative fuels (what kind of a business will look for a way to cut into their bread and butter) but it is absolutely necessary. The dependance of the world on the black guck is absolutely astounding.

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Off shore drilling is a joke. It is a temporary solution to a permanent problem. While i do not believe that the oil companies are responsible for finding alternative fuels (what kind of a business will look for a way to cut into their bread and butter) but it is absolutely necessary. The dependance of the world on the black guck is absolutely astounding.

oil companies have nothing to do with the oil prices.

fact: the people that have the oil - its more profitable for them to keep it in the ground than to pump it out... so they are going to keep it there... another reason why the oil prices have gone up is because the population of China and India are needing and requiring more oil then they did 10 years ago... so the demand is higher.

there is more oil in the US than there is anywhere in the world - FACT

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well its not about americanizing them

its about giving them some sort of structure where they do not start killing themselves and have another ruler like Saddam... if we were to leave it would go back to sh1t

and if you say no it will not... you are a liar

Its a pseudo structure. It is a house of cards. It will collapse, regardless of what we do. People will not follow or even understand what we are trying to tell them because they are so different in every way. In my opinon, the majority of that area does not condone nor need any kind of democracy, and if it is imposed on them, it will be torn to poking shreds.

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oil companies have nothing to do with the oil prices.

fact: the people that have the oil - its more profitable for them to keep it in the ground than to pump it out... so they are going to keep it there... another reason why the oil prices have gone up is because the population of China and India are needing and requiring more oil then they did 10 years ago... so the demand is higher.

there is more oil in the US than there is anywhere in the world - FACT

I never said anythign about the price and who controlls it. Demans and supply laws are obvious but if you think there is no collusion or unity with the huge conglomerates you are mistaken.

This demand is precisely what needs to be addressed. It is a simple fact that demand will become infinite as the world grows and expands but there physically is not enough supply. Unless something is dont to overturn or atleast minmize our dependace on petroleum and its by-products, control of the entire world will be in the hands of a lucky few...kind of like it is now.

And i think Russia has more oil than US, unless you can show me proof otherwise.


All I have to say is we will never leave. We are still in Germany 70 years later, still in Korea, 60 years later, still in Japan 70 years later...... we are not going to leave. LOL

As much as i dont want to believe this, this very well might turn out to be true.

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oil companies have nothing to do with the oil prices.

fact: the people that have the oil - its more profitable for them to keep it in the ground than to pump it out... so they are going to keep it there... another reason why the oil prices have gone up is because the population of China and India are needing and requiring more oil then they did 10 years ago... so the demand is higher.

there is more oil in the US than there is anywhere in the world - FACT

Also, Indias demand is less than that of California. Dont remember the article i read that in but if you want ill find it.

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there is more oil in the US than there is anywhere in the world - FACT

Sorry, you're wrong.

I think either candidate will pander to the public, then change their energy plan anyways.

Look at the effect high oil prices have had ... gas became too expensive, so people cut their use, so demand went down, so prices have gone down. A major negative is the 18 cents a gallon is used to fund major highway repair and construction.

Now there is a huge shortfall, as if the roads in Houston weren't bad enough ....

Gasoline needs to be taxed more.

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Speculators drove price up based upon market /supply demand. Price went down as soon as Bush lifted drilling moratorium. Price drop was caused by nothing else but speculation. These countries mired in the 7th century, like Iraq, will not have much choice to come along kicking and screaming. They are being left behind economically and socially and are quickly becoming bystanders in the world community. India is a great example of a nation that "gets it". Play nice with others and you get rewarded with financial aid, tourism, and free market profits from goods and services, giving you more money to develop your economy and social structure. Terrorist are gleaned from poor dissatisfied populations with Allah as the medium.

Lets see, we already have the technology to pump oil, make nuclear reactors, and mine shale oil, but you knucklheads want to spend billions of dollars on inefficient solar, wind and biomass? These will come along soon enough but, until then I need gasoline for my car and oil for my house. I just read a report that shows wind turbines could actually increase air temperatures so much as to damage the ecosystem. Manufacturing ethanol is a negative process that still involves diesel powered reapers, haulers, and sowing equipment. The feds will give you cash to install solar system on your house, but the payback/ breakeven point is more than 20 years!

Get the oil going to patch us thru to the new fuel sources we are working on. It's not that complicated. Oh yeah, I forgot, the Government will still be in the way, Pelosi is saving the planet.

Yeah lets raise fuel taxes, which will get passed on to the consumers from every manufacturer and distributor that has to pay it. I am in CT, don't talk to me about taxes, especially on fuel. Where do I sign up for 18 cents a gallon?

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Speculators drove price up based upon market /supply demand. Price went down as soon as Bush lifted drilling moratorium. Price drop was caused by nothing else but speculation. These countries mired in the 7th century, like Iraq, will not have much choice to come along kicking and screaming. They are being left behind economically and socially and are quickly becoming bystanders in the world community. India is a great example of a nation that "gets it". Play nice with others and you get rewarded with financial aid, tourism, and free market profits from goods and services, giving you more money to develop your economy and social structure. Terrorist are gleaned from poor dissatisfied populations with Allah as the medium.

Lets see, we already have the technology to pump oil, make nuclear reactors, and mine shale oil, but you knucklheads want to spend billions of dollars on inefficient solar, wind and biomass? These will come along soon enough but, until then I need gasoline for my car and oil for my house. I just read a report that shows wind turbines could actually increase air temperatures so much as to damage the ecosystem. Manufacturing ethanol is a negative process that still involves diesel powered reapers, haulers, and sowing equipment. The feds will give you cash to install solar system on your house, but the payback/ breakeven point is more than 20 years!

Get the oil going to patch us thru to the new fuel sources we are working on. It's not that complicated. Oh yeah, I forgot, the Government will still be in the way, Pelosi is saving the planet.

Yeah lets raise fuel taxes, which will get passed on to the consumers from every manufacturer and distributor that has to pay it. I am in CT, don't talk to me about taxes, especially on fuel. Where do I sign up for 18 cents a gallon?

First of all, your point about speculators being the cause of high oil prices is wrong.

Read This, This, and This,.

Second, I am completly for Nuclear power, lumping it in with petroleum technologies is...interesting?

And yes, us knucklehead want to invest billions of dollars on energy that can be renewed, and would in turn be less harmfull to the enviornemnt, and divert power and influence from the "allah" countries you have such an affluent affection for. Try not to look at things so much in the short term, usually not the best way of doing things.

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oil companies have nothing to do with the oil prices.


there is more oil in the US than there is anywhere in the world - FACT

Very, very far from correct.


Don't bring up shale. At this point in time it's irrelevant and nobody knows if there's any real future for extracting the kerogen.

On a side note, the idea of offshore drilling being of any significant good to the US if it were allowed is so rediculous it's scary to see how many people believe in it. I guess not having a clue about the facts (but worse : not bothering to get a clue either) does that to people. This isn't related to the above chart but rather the time table and volumes associated with the drilling. Not to mension there are plenty of places in the US where oil companies can drill any time they like but so far aren't.

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