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yeah i heard that, oh well.

There you go, OH WELL. You judge by different standards. 5 weeks vs 30 years, She did OK. He bored me, at least she looked into the camera instead of press row like Biden did. He had enough double talk to convince me the change thing is bullshit. She didn't wow me, but she didn't stumble too bad either. Lets be frank, Joe has been a blow hard Senator, delivering BS to the floor of the Senate for a long time, and she's a new comer that needs to get her ducks in a row and smooth out her delivery so she can be just as big a blow hard as the rest of 'em. This helped Repubs, didn't hurt Dems.

Palin did sound genuine, and like a regular person, which I think a lot of folks will relate to.

Lets face it, there are only a couple of members posting in this thread that are on the fence or remain semi-neutral. The rest of us have staked out our position, and will not be swayed. I try to see both sides and present the facts as I've found them, but obviously the Republican ticket represents more closely my families values. I have written stuff in 3 different forums, and find my self repeating my mantra. The rest of this campaign will be nothing but a blow by blow, gotcha thread, pointing out the perceived flaws of each candidate.

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I thought it was an awesome debate

Joe did pretty good even though he messed up some places... and I was, and so were my friends, that Biden and Obama were not ghey marriage supporters. I thought they supported ghey marriages!

Palin did very well considering she has been "around" for 5 weeks. She did deflect a lot of questions but that's what politicians do.

Biden really surprised me with a lot of his answers "if I remember correctly", "I will not quote but paraphrase", "I believe that was the question" those really threw me off and did not look good on him.. haha maybe that is why he has ran for EVERYTHING in office and still is a Senator :arob:

I was pleased and entertained considering I was very nervous for Palin.

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If I hear maverick, reformer or I can see Russia from my house one more time… I’m going to shove a moose up her butt. Someone needs to stop pulling that string coming from her back quarters, which albeit, seems to more of an asset than her skills as a leader. She wouldn’t answer those questions because talking dolls only say so many things. The McCain campaign needs to come out with Palin-Bot 3000 with a new feature set. Like the ability to think on her own and when you give her a drink she pee’s in the provided diaper. Yes, extra diapers are sold separately. Warning! If you force drink Palin-Bot 3000 she will be bound to 18 plus years of hard labor and financial responsibility, regardless of her opinion feature.

Are Alaskans really that dumb or do they just have low standards? I mean a long winter can do weird things but wake up! The suns been out for days folks.

Biden is not exempt either. He’s a bit of an air head too. Come on now, TV’s during the great depression. Although I did love his slam on the bridge to nowhere (ZING!). He did look more like a leader and less like a nervous BS artist reading from note cards. He reminds me of that guy in high school who’s glad everyone stopped making fun of him because he made a popular friend over the summer. Except Biden’s old and kind of creepy. Awkward! What’s up with his eye? Maybe he’s being blinded by Republican shill.

Oh brother where art thou? Are we really about to elect the dumb and dumber twins into VP? Sweden here I come. It’s not for the ladies though. I just love Volvo’s and funny hats.

Truth is, the Republican’s have had 8 years in the executive branch and almost 12 years of congress majority. Good job guys! Now give the Democrats a chance. I need a new brand of screw up, I’ve been eating republican potato for too long.


(I feel an economic rant coming on... That or I have to poop. Stay tuned, same bat channel, same troubled country.)

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There you go, OH WELL. You judge by different standards. 5 weeks vs 30 years, She did OK. He bored me, at least she looked into the camera instead of press row like Biden did. He had enough double talk to convince me the change thing is bullshit. She didn't wow me, but she didn't stumble too bad either. Lets be frank, Joe has been a blow hard Senator, delivering BS to the floor of the Senate for a long time, and she's a new comer that needs to get her ducks in a row and smooth out her delivery so she can be just as big a blow hard as the rest of 'em. This helped Repubs, didn't hurt Dems.

Palin did sound genuine, and like a regular person, which I think a lot of folks will relate to.

Lets face it, there are only a couple of members posting in this thread that are on the fence or remain semi-neutral. The rest of us have staked out our position, and will not be swayed. I try to see both sides and present the facts as I've found them, but obviously the Republican ticket represents more closely my families values. I have written stuff in 3 different forums, and find my self repeating my mantra. The rest of this campaign will be nothing but a blow by blow, gotcha thread, pointing out the perceived flaws of each candidate.

he stuttered a little bit. he still answered the question. and so what if biden and mccain didn't look at the camera when obama and palin did. appearance means more than it should in this country and it's funny how important it's been on these televised debates for the last 50 years. She is from a corner and clearly knows nothing about how Washington politics work.

Palin didn't answer questions, Biden did.

Clearly this doesn't mean anything to us decided voters though, we know what we believe in. Republicans will always think their candidate won the debate and democrats will always think their candidate won. It's funny because that's exactly what happens when they ask liberal and conservative pundits.

"Oh well" was more a summary of my feelings for the American political system. Biden's mess up and the fact that I don't care about that was a microcosm of my overall view that it doesn't matter who I vote for because no matter what, their views won't line up with mine and stuff that I don't want to happen will.

I want to be apathetic towards our system and not vote but I can't bring myself to not vote in an election.

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If and when McCain kicks the bucket, do you want her as your president? If you don't mind, then no problem, but if you feel uneasy then you might think twice.

This pick is also insulting to women. Does McCain think women are this stupid? Will they vote for this women just becasue she is a lady?

Why would I feel uneasy about this? Because she has no experience? And what does Obama have? 3 years in the Senate?

And this is different from voting for Obama because he is black how?

But to get back on-topic, yes Palin is a hottie mommy.

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And this is different from voting for Obama because he is black how?

I think she has proved to all of us that she is not as smart as Barack Obama.

She can't name a Supreme Court ruling other abortion v. baby, doesn't know what Bush Doctrine is, and freezes like a deer in headlights when she is asked other questions she isn't sure of how to answer.

I don't think McCain will croak though. I had my money on a fatal heart attack for Cheney during these 8 years but that never happened.

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I think she has proved to all of us that she is not as smart as Barack Obama.

She can't name a Supreme Court ruling other abortion v. baby, doesn't know what Bush Doctrine is, and freezes like a deer in headlights when she is asked other questions she isn't sure of how to answer.

I don't think McCain will croak though. I had my money on a fatal heart attack for Cheney during these 8 years but that never happened.

you are a sick fuck

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Why would I feel uneasy about this? Because she has no experience?

Because she's off the reservation? People who have no grasp of science, economics, or the world in general outside their daily life shouldn't be in any position of great international power.

She seems pretty sincere, which is refreshing for a politician. Unfortunately when she speaks her mind there's no doubt that she doesn't have a clue about anything except making babies. Let's hope all we will remember in a year's time is the entertainment she provided to this utterly boring election BS.

That said, it could be hilarious to have a president Barbie because all the funny is gone from W and McCain is hardly comedy gold.

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yeah but you basically said you wanted/hoped him to die

i never said that, it was a joke. what i implied was that i thought he was going to die and was playing the odds, although i really didn't have any money on his death with any bookies. not that i have any respect for Cheney because I don't.

it was an aside to the fact that everyone thinks that McCain is going to die if he becomes president and Palin will be President, oh noez! i just don't think it will happen.

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Your all drinking the Kool-aid. When the taxes go up and revenues go down and socialism sets in, we'll kick the Dems out and try the Republicans again. Thats how's it's been and thats how it's gonna be. Truman won WWII and they kicked him out on his arse.

If they read and followed the Constitution we'd still be ok. Why don't we try that for once? But I repeat myself once again. This is getting painfully boring.

You all seem to have the answers, why don't you run for public office? Because you'd get your lives torn apart and your ass handed to you by the press and the political sharks, thats why. Non of us could stand up to the pressure and the scrutiny. I don't believe a single one of us could stand the bright lights and pressure. Thats because the system sucks and is run by nothing but money and the desire for power. And a $ 4 million pension. Non of these people give a shit about you. Colin Powell was smart and stayed away from all that fungus in DC. Bet he's smiling now. You think Obama is noble? At least McCain knows the definition. And he still ain't my ideal candidate. Bob Barr and the Libertarian Party FTW.

Be carefull, you all may get what you wish for, Pelosi, Harry Reid, and the Community Activist. Thomas Jefferson just rolled over in his grave.

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