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nah, that is becuase since the Dem took the house and Nancy Pelosi is in there... NOTHING has been done

Most of that happened before Pelosi. You didn't answer the question there Palin, although it wasn't directed at you.

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What are you feelings on the current administration? They seem to just bypass any checks and balances, invoke "executive privledge", refuse to testifiy when under investigation, declare the Vice President to be outside the executive and legislative branches, etc.

I basically have not been happy about the last 12 years. Some of the Bush stuff has been legitimate, but Congress could have stepped up at any time to stop him. Lets get one thing straight, none of the folks I voted for are in office, except Joe Lieberman.

I don't want to get into the Iraq thing too much, but on 9/12 everyone knew and expected a Muslim country to get smacked.

Now as far as financial issues, Dems are just as guilty of oversight failure. I'll say it again, govt is too big and is a hard machine to change. Unless you pay up, big.

I disliked any circumnavigation of the Constitution. By anybody.

The Bush admin let me down with excessive spending, and playing loose with the laws. Only the Supreme Court appointees made me happy. And tax cuts. Which got ruined by excessive spending. I disliked the Patriot Act, but I understood it's purpose, and have yet to hear of anyone whose rights were trampled by it. I already have made references to Orwells book, 1984.

I'm prior military, and understand the Geneva Convention. Guantonamo is ok by me. And what it takes to prevent another 9/11. Those detainees are not uniformed enemy combatants representing a sovereign nation. You are considered a spy without uniform and unit ID, and most international law does not apply to your situation. When US Special Forces go on a mission with a sterile uniform, they can, will and have been treated the same way. And US denies their existence officially.

Bush Admin grade? D-. But no burning buildings either.

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So your saying its ok to have the Patriot Act enforced? 9/11 in your opinion was formulated by those detained in Guantanamo? Or at least having Guantanamo around assisted in preventing another 9/11?


I think it has potential to be a violation of privacy issue, but nothing has surfaced to my knowledge about abuse. Info gleaned from Gitmo most assuredly helped prevent more attacks. And if they were members of Al Quida (sp?), then yes guilt by association.

I'm not a fan of big brother, another "1984" reference, but what are you afraid of if you've done nothing wrong? Got some illicit phone conversations you want to tell us about? :lol: .

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If you have done nothing wrong, but are interested in seeking "global opinions" on truth and something major goes down "I don’t know..maybe another Weather Underground movement" then you may be targeted and harrassed based on association because of the Patriot Act. In all honesty it doesn’t matter anyway..they will get you one way or another..

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If you have done nothing wrong, but are interested in seeking "global opinions" on truth and something major goes down "I don’t know..maybe another Weather Underground movement" then you may be targeted and harrassed based on association because of the Patriot Act. In all honesty it doesn’t matter anyway..they will get you one way or another..

I hope people are harassed because with a country this big and this powerful and golobalization the way it is... we have to be this way.

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If you have done nothing wrong, but are interested in seeking "global opinions" on truth and something major goes down "I don’t know..maybe another Weather Underground movement" then you may be targeted and harrassed based on association because of the Patriot Act. In all honesty it doesn’t matter anyway..they will get you one way or another..

EDIT: I misunderstood when I read your post and now I agree after reading it again :lol:

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If you have done nothing wrong, but are interested in seeking "global opinions" on truth and something major goes down "I don’t know..maybe another Weather Underground movement" then you may be targeted and harrassed based on association because of the Patriot Act. In all honesty it doesn’t matter anyway..they will get you one way or another..

True enough. They already track your purchase patterns, TV viewing, and internet searches. All for" marketing". Govt monitoring can't be much different or far behind. Tho those types of resources must require tons of cash and man power. Plus there must be tons of info on those kinds of associations that are deemed irrelevant, but just because I never hear about it doesnt mean those folks don't get their doors kicked in in the middle of the night. The Big Brother theory keeps me thinking, not scared yet, but not naive about it either.

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