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Obama won, not McCain....

so no "Drill Baby Drill"

You would think so but in the debate Obama mentioned that he would increase domestic production of oil while exploring alternative energy. He basically said he is open to drilling for the short term to get off Middle Eastern oil. Of course he didnt come right out and say it, but thats the way he gets around touchy subjects.

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Disclaimer: This is not directed towards anyone here personally. This is more or less an angry rant toward failed idealism. Not only others but my own.

Most people know that Obama is a better candidate. (look at the votes)

-His party does not lead by fear.

-He did not sling mud and lie during his campaign.

-He is young, well spoken and acts on knowlege not emotion

-He speaks for me, not rich people alone

-He won’t spread the wealth to the rich like the republicans have for 12 years

-He represents people, not companies. (It’s for the people not for the company)

-He wants to get out of Iraq.

-He wants to help people live a better life, the majority, not the minority of people.

Let me list some of the lies of a horribly failed campaign ran by the republicans. They lead by fear.

-He will redistribute wealth

-He is Muslim

-He will give reparations

-He will increase the size of Government

-He will give handouts

-He is the Anti-Christ

-He will increase taxes

-People will riot if he is not elected

-He sides with William Ayres

-People only vote for him because he’s black

All this “he is so left” and “the country is going to go to crap” is just that, CRAP. Republican’s and their failed policy have lead this country into the worst position it’s been in since the great depression. Say “it isn’t so” and say “don’t blame us” but one of the choices we have in place to change things is our vote. So we did, we voted out what we could change. The republican’s did a horrid job, now they want to whine about not getting re-elected. How about regroup and get a better candidate than the Keating 5 John, can’t think without getting mad, old going to die soon, outdated thoughts, picked a woman in an attempt to gain hip voters, gabbing at straws, and dirty business McCain. Republicans lost. If what they thought was right for the country, than it would have happened. Last time I checked, more people agree with me and I believe in the American way.

The problem is not capitalism. It’s greed. Policy has become unregulated to the point that we let personal and cooperate wealth trump all else. We left the money man alone to the point that he became greedy and didn’t think about the future or people. Then when everything failed, we bailed him out because we were stuck between a rock and hard place. GREAT, thanks.

Never again. We will not let it happen. All this real estate wealth is fake. All this credit wealth is fake. If you bought a house for 70k and it was appraised at 300k 5 years later, what makes you think it’s a good idea to max your equity to buy more houses and other crap? That is not smart and most of the people trying to protect their fake wealth are the ones crying right now or their kids or followers.

They should have left it alone. The market will fluctuate. I told my Dad this and I’m saying it now. It is a bad business decision to max out your credit or your equity. Save for a rainy day. Easy come, easy go. News flash, markets fluctuate. You think these financial companies care about you? NO. They would rather claim bankruptcy than pay you that fake money. The only reason they let it go on was to create their own wealth and then bail. All the while people are crying about how they earned all this money, they didn’t earn it. It was FAKE. Did they get paid a wage for it? NO. Did they sell a product that they produced, NO. They bought a house or two and then watched their equity rise. That is investing, and it has risks, hello. Invest a portion, not all of your income. Did the 80’s teach us nothing?

I said it before and I will say it again. Nobody on this forum is rich enough to be represented by the republican party this year. NOBODY. They represented companies that want less and less regulation so they can keep raping you, the people. Weed through all the lies and that is the brass tax. This new guy is for us. Let’s see if he can live up to his word. That is our only worry. Our problems are so deep, it’s hard to believe that anyone can help.


No, no, not end rant. That guy who wouldn’t answer my questions in the Tax thread. Lame is not answering my questions. How long do you expect to be able to spit that mess? Consumers dictate the economy. Supply in demand. No demand, no supply. What your saying is the supply dictates the demand. Try and sell that somewhere else because it isn’t working. The economy is a balance and if you can’t do it right then stop. The customer is ALWAYS right and we are tired of a$$ rape.

Hey rich companies owners and fake wealthy, you’re doing it wrong.

Actual /rant

Although there is some truth in there, its not exaclty 100% correct.

~56% of Obamas ads were negative.

~79% of McCains ads were negative.

They both slung mud, its just in how they do it. McCain was always very direct and Obama, with his great skill with the spoken word, was more subtle and walked around the mud slinging.

We could argue all day about what you just posted but its not worth the effort. Ill just stop at the first thing I noticed in your post.

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You would think so but in the debate Obama mentioned that he would increase domestic production of oil while exploring alternative energy. He basically said he is open to drilling for the short term to get off Middle Eastern oil. Of course he didnt come right out and say it, but thats the way he gets around touchy subjects.

politricks so what. it's triangulation.

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All of you American Idiots still ranting about who won and didnt win needs to read Wednesday's papers again. Obama is the president....like it or not.

Get behind it, or get left behind.

What's the first move you sore losers?

I'm not saying this as an Obama backer, but rather as basically an outsider looking in, seeing the opposing (losing) party's supporters crying and whining.

Essentially, what all you loser whiners are saying is that 65% of the United States' population who voted is stupid, illiterate, and voted blindly. They all didn't vote for McCain because why? I think most of you idiots knows that most voters are educated enough to choose the candidate that they feel will benefit them the most.....Well, American Idiots, let me tell you, again, that 65% of the voters feel that Obama will benefit them the most. If you can't open your eyes and remove the American Idiot blinders you have on, then you, in fact, are the dumb illiterate, whether you went to Yale, Harvard or any other pricey snobbish "we are winners" schools out there. Let me remind you also that 65% is almost twice 35%. That's how badly Americans wanted a drastic change in the country. Live with it, deal with it, and wake up tomorrow morning knowing that the reason this man was voted into office (not to mention the swing in the senate), is because something was totally fucked with what happened in the last 8 years, and someone needs to fix it......65% of voters think that Obama will do it.....not easy to swallow, but the numbers give you a fact.

And by American Idiots, I mean anyone who whines after an election, be it Republican or Democrat. Move the fuck on, we live in a democracy. It's what happens. If it were Republican all the time, or Democrat all the time, we'd be living in North Korea you dumb monkeys.

Let's get back to what President-Elect Obama must do as his first move...................

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...we live in a democracy...

Actually, no we don't. It's a republic. ;)

And my calling the population idiots has nothing to do with their vote... it's that most voting Americans (wrongly) think that all they have to do is vote every 4 years and they're done. It doesn't work that way. No matter what party wins a presidential election, the losing side's supporters will piss and moan for a while, but then drop off the face of the earth. If the public really wanted change they'd be on their state and federal reps' asses all the time, asking about corruption, lobbying, why's my money going to that?, etc.

I don't think that the Republicans are losers, I think everyone is a loser. Hmmm... does that make me a cynic? :lol:

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All of you American Idiots still ranting about who won and didnt win needs to read Wednesday's papers again. Obama is the president....like it or not.

Get behind it, or get left behind.

What's the first move you sore losers?

I'm not saying this as an Obama backer, but rather as basically an outsider looking in, seeing the opposing (losing) party's supporters crying and whining.

Essentially, what all you loser whiners are saying is that 65% of the United States' population who voted is stupid, illiterate, and voted blindly. They all didn't vote for McCain because why? I think most of you idiots knows that most voters are educated enough to choose the candidate that they feel will benefit them the most.....Well, American Idiots, let me tell you, again, that 65% of the voters feel that Obama will benefit them the most. If you can't open your eyes and remove the American Idiot blinders you have on, then you, in fact, are the dumb illiterate, whether you went to Yale, Harvard or any other pricey snobbish "we are winners" schools out there. Let me remind you also that 65% is almost twice 35%. That's how badly Americans wanted a drastic change in the country. Live with it, deal with it, and wake up tomorrow morning knowing that the reason this man was voted into office (not to mention the swing in the senate), is because something was totally fucked with what happened in the last 8 years, and someone needs to fix it......65% of voters think that Obama will do it.....not easy to swallow, but the numbers give you a fact.

And by American Idiots, I mean anyone who whines after an election, be it Republican or Democrat. Move the fuck on, we live in a democracy. It's what happens. If it were Republican all the time, or Democrat all the time, we'd be living in North Korea you dumb monkeys.

Let's get back to what President-Elect Obama must do as his first move...................

Wait, your not an American citizen? If not I respectfully say STFU! I don't see any whining here, just what-ifs and what-nows. And most of us on "the other side" have wished the new Prez well, and true to form for true Americans we'll be behind the guy because he's ours. Now go tend to the Hindu Vs Muslim issues over there, Poverty and the growing Aids crisis and sex slave problems. Noticed a lot of misaligned teeth over there also. The rant on the Ivy League suggests you couldnt get into a school of that caliber, or am I wrong? Listen to me, I went to a community college :lol: :lol: . Yup, I'm a tool, but youre way off base.

And check the popular vote, not the landslide you may think.

" You'll never fit in! Now you come to elf practice, learn how to wiggle your ears, chuckle warmly, go hee-hee and ho-ho, and important stuff like that. A dentist! Good grief!"

Am I being too mean? :P

And anyone who would vote for Al Franken is an idiot.

And I was just going to remark on how us VSers are more tolerant of differing opinions than TBrickers. 86 that!

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All of you American Idiots still ranting about who won and didnt win needs to read Wednesday's papers again. Obama is the president....like it or not.

Get behind it, or get left behind.

What's the first move you sore losers?

I'm not saying this as an Obama backer, but rather as basically an outsider looking in, seeing the opposing (losing) party's supporters crying and whining.

Essentially, what all you loser whiners are saying is that 65% of the United States' population who voted is stupid, illiterate, and voted blindly. They all didn't vote for McCain because why? I think most of you idiots knows that most voters are educated enough to choose the candidate that they feel will benefit them the most.....Well, American Idiots, let me tell you, again, that 65% of the voters feel that Obama will benefit them the most. If you can't open your eyes and remove the American Idiot blinders you have on, then you, in fact, are the dumb illiterate, whether you went to Yale, Harvard or any other pricey snobbish "we are winners" schools out there. Let me remind you also that 65% is almost twice 35%. That's how badly Americans wanted a drastic change in the country. Live with it, deal with it, and wake up tomorrow morning knowing that the reason this man was voted into office (not to mention the swing in the senate), is because something was totally fucked with what happened in the last 8 years, and someone needs to fix it......65% of voters think that Obama will do it.....not easy to swallow, but the numbers give you a fact.

And by American Idiots, I mean anyone who whines after an election, be it Republican or Democrat. Move the fuck on, we live in a democracy. It's what happens. If it were Republican all the time, or Democrat all the time, we'd be living in North Korea you dumb monkeys.

Let's get back to what President-Elect Obama must do as his first move...................

1st off... most voters are NOT educated enough to choose the correct candidate... not sure where you got that from... and I highlighted that word FEEL since you are using it but if people voted with their feelings... oh man that is horrible... I said it once and I will say it again, if everyone did what they feel and ran their life on feelings nothing would get done and since people are selfish by nature we would all be fucked.

I am not wining about Obama being president, I am just amazed and disappointed in the 65% that looked passed their heads and facts of him being anti-American and his ties to anti-American organizations... but people look past that and FEEL like he will do a great job... he lied about taking accepting public funding and then he said he would not accept it because he knew he could swindle people out of money and Hollywood... God knows what he will lie about next... I just can not believe people do not care about the Bill Ayers association... HOW COULD YOU LOOK PAST THAT!?!?!

and your question about what Obama must do as his first move is to appoint responsible educated non-partisan (Dem/Rep) representatives around his cabinet

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All of you American Idiots still ranting about who won and didnt win needs to read Wednesday's papers again. Obama is the president....like it or not.

Get behind it, or get left behind.

What's the first move you sore losers?

I'm not saying this as an Obama backer, but rather as basically an outsider looking in, seeing the opposing (losing) party's supporters crying and whining.

Essentially, what all you loser whiners are saying is that 65% of the United States' population who voted is stupid, illiterate, and voted blindly. They all didn't vote for McCain because why? I think most of you idiots knows that most voters are educated enough to choose the candidate that they feel will benefit them the most.....Well, American Idiots, let me tell you, again, that 65% of the voters feel that Obama will benefit them the most. If you can't open your eyes and remove the American Idiot blinders you have on, then you, in fact, are the dumb illiterate, whether you went to Yale, Harvard or any other pricey snobbish "we are winners" schools out there. Let me remind you also that 65% is almost twice 35%. That's how badly Americans wanted a drastic change in the country. Live with it, deal with it, and wake up tomorrow morning knowing that the reason this man was voted into office (not to mention the swing in the senate), is because something was totally fucked with what happened in the last 8 years, and someone needs to fix it......65% of voters think that Obama will do it.....not easy to swallow, but the numbers give you a fact.

And by American Idiots, I mean anyone who whines after an election, be it Republican or Democrat. Move the fuck on, we live in a democracy. It's what happens. If it were Republican all the time, or Democrat all the time, we'd be living in North Korea you dumb monkeys.

Let's get back to what President-Elect Obama must do as his first move...................

It was 53%, not 65%. McCain had 46% of the vote. That's not a landslide victory. Get your facts straight dummy.

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