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Barney Frank lashes out

"Frank noted that her ability to deface an image of the president and express her views "is a tribute to the First Amendment that this kind of vile, contemptible nonsense is so freely propagated."

Obama's Poll numbers slipping

And if you didn't like that one,

"Mr. Obama's approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was"

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dave, not an attack on you. i want to see your point of view.

in your brothers thread you discuss him getting ssi, etc etc.

those are all govt. programs to help people. i was under the impression you were against govt hand out programs.

again, nothing about your bro. just the idea of our tax money being dolled out.

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dave, not an attack on you. i want to see your point of view.

in your brothers thread you discuss him getting ssi, etc etc.

those are all govt. programs to help people. i was under the impression you were against govt hand out programs.

again, nothing about your bro. just the idea of our tax money being dolled out.

It is not that I am against GOVT programs... I am against GOVT programs that are implemented by the "seat of their pants"... for example Cash for Clunkers.

It was horribly executed.. and that was just for CARS!

Imagine what it would be like with people and their health issues.

I believe there should be a health-care reform but not this one... this one is so fucked up and no one knows EXACTLY what is in it.

Again this could have been executed SO much better... and we need to "fix" the economy before we start fixing health care... cart before the horse.

Mike, thanks for the input... I do not see it as an attack.

I hope that answers your question and if not I will try to write it better.

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Without conservative media outlets, you have Govt controlled media, disseminating propaganda without checks and balances.


Check out the intentions of Mark Loyd, Obamas "Diversity Czar", concerning radio and media. Free speech is under attack. He wants to tax commercial radio 100% to fund NPR and others, plus he will implement a diversity test that could close them down and give broadcast rights to "minority interests". Read the Constitution and tell me any of this guys plans are legal. What happened to being judged by the content of my character and not the color of my skin?

Your smart, you don't need a link, you'll find sources that you approve of. 40+ czars, where is their Constitutional Authority? ANd why do I have to pay their salaries.

I predict Obama Admin fail. Dems will be blown from Congress, and we will spend 10 yrs trying to recover from their folly.

But the world is coming to an end in 2012 so who cares, spend like a drunken sailor, right?

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We are awoken by an alarm clock powered by electricity from a public power monopoly that is regulated by the Department of Energy. We take showers in clean water provided by a city water utility. We turn on the TV to an FCC regulated channel to see what the national weather service is telling us about our day provided to them by the national oceanographic and atmospheric administration who determined the weather by using satellites designed, manufactured, and launched by the national aeronautics and space administration. We watch all this while eating a breakfast that has been inspected by the US department of agriculture and take our morning vitamin that has been determined safe by the food and drug administration. We then look at the time which is regulated by congress and kept accurate by the national institute of standards and technology and the US naval observatory. We get into our national highway traffic safety administration approved car and leave for work on streets built by the local, state, and federal departments of transportation, stopping for gas that is quality controlled and meaused by the environmental protection agency using a legal tender that was issued to us by a federal reserve bank. We then stop at a united states postal service location before dropping our children off at our local public school funded by every level of goverment. After work we go back into our national highway traffic safety administration approved car on our department of transportation roads to a house that hasn't burnt down thanks to local, state, and federal building codes and inspections and see that all our posessions are still there thanks to the municipal police department. We take care of our ailing parents with the equipment and medicines provided to them, due to their social security checks being able to cover the remaining costs that medicare hasn't covered. I get to repost this senario that probably replays itself millions of times a day thanks to the internet that was developed by the defense advanced research projects administration on a free internet forum that has a section that is worrying about socialism taking over the country because a new administration has been in office for 8 months and they can't do anything right.

Just a little food for thought.

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That is all due to our tax money we send in to better our country not to flush it down the drain like its going right now.

How has anything changed? What is "being flushed down the toilet?"

Money, our taxes? Do you really believe all the hyperbole?

Where is "it" going right now where it hasn't been going before?

We're all to caught up in being consumers of definitive party media. People blindly identify with an ideal, and ride it like the scary-commie-pink-boogey-man is going to take grandma out back and despense her like old yeller because we need to "reform health care."

"Socialism" is going to take over, because we need to pay more in taxes for the things we take for granted today, to ensure they will be there tomorrow?

Give me a break.

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If you're so worried about socialism taking over, I suggest you start shooting down any CURRENT Medicare, Medicaid, SS, Wellfare, Housing / Roadwork / Utilities, or Unemployment bills out there. Pronto.

These are all socialistic in nature and origin. They always have been, and always will be.

"Socialized" Healthcare is indeed an epic fail in itself, take a look at Canada. And I don't mean Michael Moore's bullshit documentaries that show the upper class getting all kinds of amazing treatment, I mean the lines of people waiting outside a clinic because 50 other people have a head cold. People DIE because of it. No, the big bad commie didn't eat them, the "funny feeling" they got at 9:30 am after going for a walk turned out to be an oncoming heart attack that struck while they were still in line to register.

However... Social Security? Wellfare? They're supposed to keep you at the same level as everyone else. How many times have you filed for this? How many of you, or your friends or parents or relatives are on this?

Socialism is here. Why? Because democracy doesn't work. Hell, we don't even have a democracy. We're a republic, that likes to tout true democracy like it's actually something tangible or sustainable.

Now before you start trashing me for being an Obama fan, don't. I hate Obama. He's idealistic, inexperienced, and has been covering his own ass for over a year for all the half-baked and completely moronic things he's done and people he's associated with. He's not a socialist, he's just lost in dreamland.

Cap and Trade is a good concept ON PAPER, but certainly not in an economic downturn. It would have been great if they implemented it 11 years ago... Maybe. But not if you'd like to keep the tradition of having a DD and a project car. That 740 with a hi-flo cat you were looking at to kick around in while your S60R is on a lift just went from 1200 bucks to 1400, IF you're lucky. And if you think 3.00 a gallon for gas is bad... Just wait. Prices are going to go up regardless, never mind if we put a carbon emissions cap on everything that moves.

Yay, America.

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