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My shallow and vapid what?

Or did you mean you're shallow and vapid?

I wonder how the founding fathers felt about illiteracy?

I've heard 5 year olds make similar remarks.

Picking apart a simple grammatical error? Really?

Kind of proves his point, doesn't it?

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I've heard 5 year olds make similar remarks.

Picking apart a simple grammatical error? Really?

Kind of proves his point, doesn't it?

He evidently can't ever be bothered with grammar. I find it a bit sad that someone who fancies himself a defender of traditional values can't be bothered with punctuation, grammar and logic, yeah.

But like he said, he's not here trying to make an argument, he's just ranting, so I guess it's all cool. :lol:

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Monthly vent over. Thanks for giving me the space. DO what you will, but I'm not long for this state. Food prices have already gone up, clothing too. And gas/oil. I expect an increase in both sales and income taxes here, to cover the $48 billion dollar debt.

That Obama is to blame for, right? :unsure:

Of course prices are going to go up. That's just the way things go. Would you rather our whole country remain in such a horrible financial state? I know I'd much rather see the rate of which we are spending slow down, and eventually turn around.

It's sad to live in a time with so much anger, because of the poor situation we ended up in.

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That Obama is to blame for, right? :unsure:

Of course prices are going to go up. That's just the way things go. Would you rather our whole country remain in such a horrible financial state? I know I'd much rather see the rate of which we are spending slow down, and eventually turn around.

It's sad to live in a time with so much anger, because of the poor situation we ended up in.

Yeah, actually. Obama and his Congress were spending a ton. In order to make that spending back, the government taxes us. They've been spending a ton of money to the point that people with wealth are losing money simply because the dollar has lost it's weight. Our largest competitor China just dropped our credit rating. Sure the economy is cyclical to a degree, but the catch is that American society has been developing at such a rate that we can't just sit back and wait for it to come full circle. We need a smaller government so that the tax burden across the board is reduced in part to lower government spending.

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Yeah, actually. Obama and his Congress were spending a ton. In order to make that spending back, the government taxes us.

I know Conservatives have an almost religious belief in the power of capitalism to regulate itself, but even a modest knowledge of history shows what folly that is.

An excess of unregulated capitalism is precisely what caused our financial meltdown. Not poor black people taking out risky mortgages, but rich people gaming the system so they stay rich in perpetuity. And guess which party was instrumental in allowing that to happen while at the same time bogging us down in two un-winnable wars AND cutting taxes. Hello deficit spending!

So now the economy is largely stalled. The only thing that has historically gotten an economy going again ISN'T private enterprise, because they're all sitting on their money waiting for things to turn around, it's government action. The only thing Obama did wrong is that he didn't pump ENOUGH money into the economy.

Obama is cleaning up Bush's economic mess. Period. End of story.

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So now the economy is largely stalled. The only thing that has historically gotten an economy going again ISN'T private enterprise, because they're all sitting on their money waiting for things to turn around, it's government action. The only thing Obama did wrong is that he didn't pump ENOUGH money into the economy.

Obama is cleaning up Bush's economic mess. Period. End of story.

Actually, he isn't cleaning up the mess, just keeping it from getting worse if anything.

The biggest problem is NEITHER party has a plan for actually paying off the debt. In fact, they don't even talk about it.

The Republicans want to cut spending to cut taxes, but that isn't solving the big problem. The Democrat want to solve social problems and get the economy moving again, but they have no plan to cut the debt either.

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My shallow and vapid what?

Or did you mean you're shallow and vapid?

I wonder how the founding fathers felt about illiteracy?

That is the most pathetic defenese on the internet these days.

OMG I CAN SPELL SO I MUST BE RIGHT ...... no your wrong and you have no defense to back up what you belive so a person will pull this lame ass move.

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That is the most pathetic defenese on the internet these days.

OMG I CAN SPELL SO I MUST BE RIGHT ...... no your wrong and you have no defense to back up what you belive so a person will pull this lame ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD move.

Yeah, spelling, grammar and all the other tools people use to organize the chaos of their own thoughts is sooooo 20th century. I bet if the Founding Fathers Pops loves to quote were alive today, they'd forget all about spelling and grammar and write the Constitution using Text-Tard abbreviations and emoticons. :lol:

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My shallow and vapid what?

Or did you mean you're shallow and vapid?

I wonder how the founding fathers felt about illiteracy?

Define illiteracy - because if you're advocating that they would have considered this included an establish standard for the spelling of words then that didn't happen in the English language until the mid to late 1800s. The OED, what many refer to as the Bible for spelling since there is no English Academy as there is for instance an Academie Francaise was only started as a project in 1879 and didn't first come out until the early 1920s.

Sorry, I can throw this stuff out all day if you like. :lol:

So actually, it is fairly 20th century. And if the masses decided they wanted to spell it in a different manner like for instance "alot" = "a large amount of" then eventually that popular usage would become the standard usage. ;)

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Yeah, spelling, grammar and all the other tools people use to organize the chaos of their own thoughts is sooooo 20th century. I bet if the Founding Fathers Pops loves to quote were alive today, they'd forget all about spelling and grammar and write the Constitution using Text-Tard abbreviations and emoticons. :lol:


yes since that matters so much here


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I wonder how the founding fathers felt about positions based on attack, discredit, and demeaning the opponent, instead of arguments based upon facts or position.

You have exposed yourself again as a juvenile. I write a whole page, with some stuff you can rebut even, and you pick out a nonsensical line and use a sophomoric phraseology.

Sounds like another Alinsky Rule for Radicals tactic. Chapter 13 I think.

I told you he was a member of a the teachers union, he cant help himself by correcting internet grammar.

Your position, your philosophy and your opinions are piled up in the trash heap of history, not too mention a vastly minority in this country. We lean center-right not left of red.. You ignore the obvious, clean your rose colored glasses.

When your health care bills go up let me know maybe we can compare policies and see which is worse.

I paid $4.00 for a gallon of milk today. Must be a shortage of dairy cows. No more deflation, its inflation full steam ahead now.

Its coming, be naive all you want, whistle in the cemetery all you want, this bus is about to hit the wall.

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I stand in the middle. From what I see, we were in for problems no matter who took office two years ago.

Obama, while he tried, is still not doing what people really want him to. I salute him for attempting to jump start the economy again, but it's blatantly obvious that it's not working in our favor. Although, it still doesn't help that we're still dumping more many than is even imaginable into this war.

I know there are multiple people who serve our country on this board, your patriotism, and self sacrifice does not go without commendation, but I know one personally, Orange855, now Apel855 or whatever it is. He's essentially sitting in Afghanistan, not doing too much. I feel that there are many things that should be better regulated, and overseen.

Well, looks like I'm rambling...

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