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Seriously: What The Hell?


Chuck = teh suck  

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You are the new Arob.

So, I've had a few people tell me this now... (Maybe it was just Chuck multiple times...) Regretfully (or possibly not? :huh: ) I wasn't around to experience this Arob guy. But, apparently being in the pursuit of knowledge (and not taking Chuck's opinion as "the word unto the lord" [and having proved him wrong on multiple occasions...]) makes me the "new Arob." :unsure:

Honestly Chuck, you don't seem like the religious type of person, so what's with the "almighty" attitude? Being wrong on occasion is how you learn!

So, please do let me know if you all would like me gone. I'm sure I can find a better way to spend my time. (Even if you people don't hate me as much as Chuck would like to lead me to believe, I probably won't frequent this place as much anymore... Just doesn't feel very inviting... -_-)

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Seriously. Nobody cares. Shut the hell up. This is a car forum, not an educational forum. SEARCH AND READ. Not every thread needs question after question, especially when you challenge everything, yet:

BTW, I have never changed my oil myself. My dad just could never justify it as it's so cheap to get the oil changed and, when you do it yourself, you have to find something to do with the old oil... But, we'll see. I might start doing my own once I have a nicer car I care about more (and my own house/garage once I graduate from school). Although, I guess you could just bring your own oil/filter for the guys at the shop to replace yours with? Any idea how much they would charge for that? (I mean, it's only usually like $20~$30 for the whole job including filter and oil...)

So, I guess what I wanted to ask is: when you take off the old filter, does the oil start running out of the bottom of the engine? How does that work? I'm trying to figure out the logistics of replacing a filter, but not all of the oil...

:lol: :lol:

take it easy. no one really cares one way or another. just don't start so many threads asking the same questions over and over again, after they've been answered.

:lol: Beat me to it.

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take it easy. no one really cares one way or another. just don't start so many threads asking the same questions over and over again, after they've been answered.

I search plenty... But even if I search, that doesn't mean I will find everything. Other people might know the information or know where to find it in seconds as opposed to minutes/hours.

And I made new posts about different cars because people judge a book by its cover. If I were to ask about a potential V70 buy in a thread I started about S40s, I think the exposure would be greatly diminished...

Seriously. Nobody cares. Shut the hell up. This is a car forum, not an educational forum.

Wow. I'm sorry you feel that way... -_-

SEARCH AND READ. Not every thread needs question after question, especially when you challenge everything, yet:

Yes, I do challenge everything. I even challenge my own opinions as I have learned that I am not always right!

:lol: :lol:

Hey! I said like two posts later that I do in fact know that there's an oil drain plug, but I just did not recall as such since, as quoted, I have never actually changed my own oil... :rolleyes: See? I'm not perfect. But life still goes on...

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:lol: yes you are the new :arob:

if you keep on going you will end up with your own retard smiley to

also search and read I think I have every question here 2x so just search by that :lol:

And please link us where you all of what 20 yrs old have proved chuck wrong on volvo info being this possilbe your fist one ?

this I will :lol: at

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The majority of your posts have been answered. Multiple times. Questioning the resident experts on here may make you feel intelligent, but it's the equivalent of asking your history professor if he's sure Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th. Go spend some time figuring out how to drain all the oil out of your car instead of wasting bandwidth with pointless questions.

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:lol: yes you are the new :arob:

if you keep on going you will end up with your own retard smiley to

also search and read I think I have every question here 2x so just search by that :lol:

Not sure what you mean by that... :huh:

And please link us where you all of what 20 yrs old have proved chuck wrong on volvo info being this possilbe your fist one ?

this I will :lol: at

Well, it wasn't Volvo info (per se). But, he was trying to say that the larger CCD/CMOS in a DSLR doesn't make it more sensitive to light over the smaller CCD/CMOS in a point-and-shoot camera. I was able to find like 3 or 4 websites (including one on by Canon) saying that larger sensor = more sensitive, and he still wanted nothing of it... <_<

And then he was trying to say that a turbo engine can never be more economical than a non-turbo. I refused to believe this. A co-worker offered the case of two motors with equal HP, one turbo, one N/A. If the turbo weighs less, then it will be more economical. He never did respond to that... :rolleyes:

The majority of your posts have been answered. Multiple times. Questioning the resident experts on here may make you feel intelligent, but it's the equivalent of asking your history professor if he's sure Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7th. Go spend some time figuring out how to drain all the oil out of your car instead of wasting bandwidth with pointless questions.

Uh... Last time I checked, historic events are pretty definite while technology is always changing. I'm sure there are hundreds of cases of "experts" saying "No that can't be done!" only for someone to figure out how to do it... :rolleyes: With an attitude like that, you're certainly not going to get very far in life... -_-

Well, I think I've had enough of this place. Guess it's time to move-on :(

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Uh... Last time I checked, historic events are pretty definite while technology is always changing. I'm sure there are hundreds of cases of "experts" saying "No that can't be done!" only for someone to figure out how to do it... :rolleyes: With an attitude like that, you're certainly not going to get very far in life... -_-

Well, I think I've had enough of this place. Guess it's time to move-on :(

Must be the 93 850 driver syndrome. Your car will not be updated. I'm sorry. You won't find anything new. The technology for 1993 Volvo 850s is not going anywhere. Stop questioning the different ways to drive a stick shift. Yes, someone who can change their oil probably does know a good bit more about filters then you. It's okay to be wrong. It's another thing to try and defend yourself/your statement to the point where you look like an absolute :arob:

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After answering that its amazing you have the balls to argue with me about anything car related.


I really wouldn't have called you an arob until you made this thread. That put you on the level.

And a lifetime supporting membership lets you post in closed threads, just sayin.

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