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What This Board Needs..

Turbo Brick

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..is a dedicated "Archives" forum for all the FAQs and tech discussions that are lost in the pages of threads under the other forums. The search function on this board functions too poorly for us to not have an Archives section. Topics like Stage 0, which plugs to use, which oil to run, how to reset the Service light, and what different fault codes mean, etc, could be stickied in the Archives forum where no new replies are allowed. Threads such as the 3" exhaust and turbo timer installation threads come to mind. I think it would be beneficial to this site and the few technical discussions that happen here if our members weren't always answering the same old questions over and over again, or simply telling people to "Search!". We need an Archives forum.

All in favor, say "I"..

Edit: It seems to me that Ping's thread is touching on the same topic. I was thinking about the Archives forum this weekend and a couple of Moderators here also felt like it would be a nice addition, so I thought I'd mention it. Articles as Ping mentioned should also be moved to the Archives forum. Other forums that I post on use this method for keeping track of valuable tech information and it seems to work well. Also, after more detailed write-ups are done, it may be beneficial to move them to the main section of the site and add them to the Modifications writeups.

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..is a dedicated "Archives" forum for all the FAQs and tech discussions that are lost in the pages of threads under the other forums.  The search function on this board functions too poorly for us to not have an Archives section.  Topics like Stage 0, which plugs to use, which oil to run, how to reset the Service light, and what different fault codes mean, etc, could be stickied in the Archives forum where no new replies are allowed.  Threads such as the 3" exhaust and turbo timer installation threads come to mind.  I think it would be beneficial to this site and the few technical discussions that happen here if our members weren't always answering the same old questions over and over again, or simply telling people to "Search!".  We need an Archives forum.

All in favor, say "I"..

Edit: It seems to me that Ping's thread is touching on the same topic.  I was thinking about the Archives forum this weekend and a couple of Moderators here also felt like it would be a nice addition, so I thought I'd mention it.  Articles as Ping mentioned should also be moved to the Archives forum.  Other forums that I post on use this method for keeping track of valuable tech information and it seems to work well.  Also, after more detailed write-ups are done, it may be beneficial to move them to the main section of the site and add them to the Modifications writeups.


Everyone would benefit from this. Maybe newbs would look first ask second.. wait.. that's never gonna happen. :D

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What would this gain us?  And what do you want added to search function

I know I'm new here... my thoughts. FWIW.

I think it would gain the ease of being able to look through a forum topic where people knew exactly where to go to to find good info... Most newbs don't know about pinned topics... The search funtion leaves something to be desired. If I want to search for iPD ECU ... I can't cause you can't search for things that are 3 letters...

Ideally what we need is a place for newbs (and vets) to go that they can gather a good amount of info for, then post a topic to clarify or refine that information. Granted not all topics will be covered right away, but take Turbo Bricks' how to "install a turbo timer" thread.. that's a perfect example of something that needs to be archived so people can find it... 'cause you know in 6 months, someones gonna create a topic called "hey.. how do I install my turbo timer?"

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I changed so you can search 3 letter words

not that it will actually help.

You searched for: TME

Unfortunately your search didn't return any results.

Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search.

Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apple .


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not that it will actually help.

You searched for: TME

Unfortunately your search didn't return any results.

Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search.

Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apple .


I changed the script, I did noy say I was re-indexing. That takes several hours and I will do it in the next downtime,

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Some places I have been to before have a section where people can post writeups, and they get added to a specail how-to section, a how to section with users how tos would maybe be cool

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you guys are lazy, you all know the newbs will still ask the question. But you want it to be easier for you to tell em how easy it is to search for it and you provide them with the link faster to make em look dumber! or i could just be parnoid about the whole thing, lol

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you guys are lazy, you all know the newbs will still ask the question. But you want it to be easier for you to tell em how easy it is to search for it and you provide them with the link faster to make em look dumber! or i could just be parnoid about the whole thing, lol

Lazy? :huh: Actually, I've offered to run the Archives section and be the one who delves into the lost threads on this board and moves helpful topics into the Archives section based on content and recommendations from others. Just an example.. Since I had to search for just "exhaust," I finally found the "3" Exhaust" thread.. FIFTY pages back..

It is not a matter of laziness or lack of effort. It's just a better way to manage technical threads and keep all the good information and discussions in one place. "Lazy" would be telling every newbie with a simple question to "Search." But what good is searching if they can't find what they're looking for?

I know as a newbie I would much rather spend a few hours reading FAQ's and archived tech discussions rather than waste my time posting up my questions only to have someone tell me to "Search!" If you want to see an example of what I'm talking about, go here..

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