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Watch Out In Workzones During July


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Illinois will begin using photo radar in freeway work zones in July. One

mile per hour over the speed limit and the machine will get you a nice

$375.00 ticket in the mail. Beginning July 1st, the State of Illinois will

begin using the speed cameras in areas designated as "Work Zones" on major

freeways. Anyone caught by these devices will be mailed a $375.00 ticket

for the FIRST offense. The SECOND offense will cost $1000.00 and comes with

a 90-Day suspension. Drivers will also receive demerit points against

their license, which allow insurance companies to raise Insurance rates.

This is the harshest penalty structure ever set for a governmental unit

involving PHOTO speed enforcement. The State already has two camera vans

on line issuing tickets 24/7 in work zones with speed limits lowered to 45

MPH. Photos of both the Driver's face and License plate are taken. Pass

this on to everyone you know who might be affected!!!

my friend let me in on this. sucks because ill be going through chicago on July 2, then coming back the wednesday after that...hello cruise control. <_<

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That law was in effect when I was up there like 5 years ago. A lot of states have that. 0 excuse for speeding in a active work zone. Same with move over laws. 1mph is more than fair. Posted speed is the MAX, not the must go speed. If posted speed is 70 do 65 if you are worried. Its not rocked science.

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Illinois must need a little fundraiser.

Corruption usually requires a lot of money.

That law was in effect when I was up there like 5 years ago. A lot of states have that. 0 excuse for speeding in a active work zone. Same with move over laws. 1mph is more than fair. Posted speed is the MAX, not the must go speed. If posted speed is 70 do 65 if you are worried. Its not rocked science.

Yeah its been around for a while, I know, but some people forget.

And from personal experience of having worked in a work zone, going slower definetely helps out. Particularly when we have trucks entering and leaving our work zone.

Some of the accidents that have happened in our work zone are just stupid. Although there were some interesting ones. We had a Mustang "get into a fight" with one of our temp signs...lets just say it lost. :)

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I live in Springfield and work in Joplin drive an hour a day each way. Watch your mirrors!

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07 V70 T5

91 Miata

63 Corvair Spyder


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wow good to know since i'm going to chicago in july, not that i speed through work zones. in DC and MD i think there is a 10mph buffer before tickets get mailed.

MD is same as most states. 7mph buffer but that excludes work zones and school zones. Most states can pop for 1 over in either place.

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