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the ünderstüdy

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Just got my volvo today. so AMPED on it!

1998 s70 T-5 SE silver

paid $8000 for it and it has 96k on it, and the interior is in mint condition.

Got a question. within the first 2 hours of owning it i pulled a typical stupid 17 year old move. so i get in my car and go to turn the key in the ignition. it does a complete 360 in the ignition, i say "OH stuff" at first i think, the ignition is done, so ic all my dad, like a spoiled dumbass who cant figure anything out. he tells me to turn the wheel and so i do but not enough. so he drivess with the extra set of keys to where i am and so i try all teh keys and nothing, so he says, "let me get in the driver seat". he turns the wheel and turns the car on and it starts right up. One little detail, this is in my girlfriends drvie way so, yeah i pretty much felt like a dumbass. Has this happened to anyone else? Or am i the only retard?

Ill post pics soon.

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Guest Guest_NWsilverbullet_*

Yeah it was really weird i could spin the key in the ignition completely around. scared me shitless cuz i thought i broke something.

yeah pics coming

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Yeah it was really weird i could spin the key in the ignition completely around. scared me shitless cuz i thought i broke something. 

yeah pics coming

My car does this too... you have to get the lock cylinder fixed if you really want to solve the problem...

Welcome my man... good to see more Silver S70's.... How many we got now?

Brett, Stephen, Me, this guy..... REvolution T5... I know I'm forgetting people..

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