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First Mod Suggestions

the ünderstüdy

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Just got it yesterday and im looking to see what a good first mod is.  Im thinkin' i need some tint, or some roof racks cuz i gotta take it up skiing in a few weeks.  any engine, interior, suggestions/ exterior. post away guys.

thanks a bunch

Fill out your signature from the "My Controls" page so we all know what kind of car, mileage, and mods you have.

To start, head over to the Stage 0 List and be sure that everything is mechanically sound before you start with performance upgrades.

If you've got the money, go ahead and get the tint and roof rack. Performance-wise, well, it all depends on what you want to have in the end. First stage is air filter, exhaust, then ECU. Read around the forums, SEARCH before you start new threads with questions. Only then, if you can't find what you're looking for, ask everyone else here for help/suggestions. Welcome to VS!

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Just got it yesterday and im looking to see what a good first mod is.  Im thinkin' i need some tint, or some roof racks cuz i gotta take it up skiing in a few weeks.  any engine, interior, suggestions/ exterior. post away guys.

thanks a bunch


If you go ahead and get the roof racks you will want to get a fairing as well, probably at the same time. You will enjoy them much more if you don't have the wind howl, trust me it gets old quick. I got the racks striaght from the Volvo dealer the same time I got my car. I am pretty sure they are made for Volvo by Thule. I love them but the fairing is a must. If you want to go with Thule the

x-large fairing is the one you will need- fairing #843.

Thule USA

X-Large Thule Fairing # 873 ( $50 plus shipping)

Fairing on Ebay $50 w/ shipping (on ebay all the time)

Welcome to VSpeed? Good luck!!

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