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Chat Updated


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Chat is finally updated and current. IE no more cobbled in system. It is logged and I may archive the chat sessions depending on how much legitimate use it sees. Active users are displayed at the bottom of the main page and a chat link it at the top of every page.

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reference http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php/topic/127484-super-ultimate-fantastic/page__view__findpost__p__1703045

You posted that the other day and I still cant figure out wtf you're on about... LOL

Point proven. He's a nerd with gangsta lean.

Done a good job though.

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Hastings was bitching about it and offered to lighten it up. I told him have at it. I agree he did an awesome job

i think the back ground should be dark all the way across. its like a gradient behind the text and it gets darker but then it just stops lol.

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