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a go kart in mexico, nothing beats the feeling the things going to fall apart at 150km/h and yer going to die real soon. For second scariest/funnest, was the viper i drove "500hp!!!!!!!", third is any over powered rwd car in the snow with trac control off if it comes with it.

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a go kart in mexico, nothing beats the feeling the things going to fall apart at 150km/h and yer going to die real soon. For second scariest/funnest, was the viper i drove "500hp!!!!!!!", third is any over powered rwd car in the snow with trac control off if it comes with it.

Boxster. I lived next door to a Porche dealership my last year of college. I told the guy I was looking at getting it for graduation... :ph34r: haha..

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My godmother's Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarina (not so much "drive it like I stole it", but still drove it :P for like a block :( and incredible even over that distance :D She didn't like driving it in Los Angeles, though, so it's in her garage in Spain :blink: from where I will be stealing it if I ever get the chance :ph34r:)

I wasn't too impressed with the VW R32 (the only other car anyone's mentioned I have driven), but then, my feet are too big to work the pedals O_o

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the one i own now

also i had a chevy sprint- 3 cylerder turbo.

we had it one day and totaly gutted it had it open down pipe painted orange rcing strips down it rallyed the hell out of it for the whole day and it finally broke at about 11:30 down at shoshill while racing my buddy in his golf. we won beofre it broke at least. then the seritcy guy came and told us the cops where coming so we pushed it to the side and had to go hide on the rail road tracks it was priceless. and never got cought

god day of fun for 375 spilt by 2 (me and a buddy bought it together)

also other fun car was my 66 122. it was really nice got it for $500 and had plans to restore it but one day some one rear ended and it didnt do much damage surpizing but that thing was a tank. so now that it wasnt perfect anymore i decide to paint it like the genral lee and for halloween me and a friend were bo and luke and we drove it to school and drove across the grass and jumped out the windows it was great

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Guest whitecw

Have to say My Guards Red 944 Turbo w/ mild mods.  The car just flies, stops on a dime and handles like a dream.  There really is a reason that Porsche has the reputation they do.  :D

Yeah, driven a 944 Turbo, too...also very fun. Most people certainly wouldn't expect that much from a 16-18 year old car.

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Tie. Either a 2000 Ferrari F355 spyder or a 2002 Porsche 996 Turbo. I drove the Jesus out of both cars. Simply amazing cars. Both of them. If you've ever said to yourself "why on earth would you spend that kind of money on a car?" then you've obviously never driven either one.

The fastest car I've been in was a tricked out Viper - I wasn't driving but HOLY $%*!, Batman! Balls out acceleration.

My '97 Boxster handled great but wasn't that fast. I made my last payment after 59 mos. and promptly sold it to some kid in Santa Monica. I will admit I picked up a lot of "trim" in that car! The Volvo isn't the babe magnet a Porsche is, that's for sure.

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