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Wow. Pool In My Backseat

'93 Dave

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That's the cowl. Thats what i was wondering if it leaked in there and went through recirc door. Issue is if it DID that, your Blower motor and the evaporator might be screwed...Hopefully the door was closed...I bet it stinks bad with the blower motor on now :(

The 2 hoses that attach to the cowl are what i was talking about being clogged...you'll get NASTY stuff out of those...i found a penny when i cleaned the 96's :lol: They're attached together out the bottom of the car underneath, but you can undo the clamp and shove an air hose through it and watch nasty gunk fly out. I just use an air chuck to clean most all of those drain holes, and a stick if its really really bad

Didn't know there was a drainhole on that side as well though....something good for us all to check out.

BTW i added the filter+retainer for the fresh air door(where that drainhole was) to my 93...it's worth it man. It's a little bit of modding since we have a sensor on the stock retainer vs 94+ don't, but yea. Figured since your in that area you might want to do it to prolong the A/C.

Oh and the passenger firewall passthrough is right below the blower motor pretty much...but you'd be able to see it from the engine bay as well(harder though).

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