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Tea Party: 'people's Movement' Sponsored By Oil Billionaires.


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All this talk about socialism, and yet the government hasn't done anything socialist. Plllllease look up the definition of socialism and then site specifically what the administration has done that is socialist. I shall prepare my rebuttal.

Consider that there are a number of different definitions for socialist forms of government (traditional) and the definition is a moving target. I never said Obama or his administration are socialist, but it is undeniable that this administration's policies, and other historical administrations policies both Democrat and Republican) are pushing the country towards socialism. Any time they begin to infringe upon citizens rights or get involved in capitalistic ventures, they nibble away at what makes America great and moves us toward a more socialistic type government. Modern Socialism.

Trends toward Modern Socialism include:

Infringing on the constitutional rights of citizens

Interfering in capital markets

widening gap on "acceptable" property takings / eminent domain

interfering in individual businesses and industries

and anything done with a Robin Hood mentality of take from the haves and give to the have nots in the interest of "fairness and equality"

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Oh thats right because a rich white guy in the hills of Connecticut is a different demographic? Im guessing your income, according to Obama and COngress believe me your rich! HAHAHA.

Sure. I'm rich. I heat the house with wood and drive a 12-year old Volvo. Don't let any facts get in the way of a good rant, though.

No but really, WHO reads those ?

People who can read, and enjoy doing it? And I'm guessing nearly every guest on Fox 'News' reads the Times, too, because they sure enjoy plugging their books as a "NY Times best-seller" when they make the list.

And the Tea Party has as much right to advance their ideas as the NAACP.

Sure, because everybody knows that white people were brought over as slaves, then systematically denied their rights for over a century after emancipation, right? Really, how do you rationalize the need for a group comprised entirely of white people as a political party in 2010? :lol:

How was that Kev?

Entertaining as usual.

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I'll bring a twenty-dollar bill to the next NEC get-together for anyone who thinks the United States is "socialist" if they can show me a passport that's been stamped.

And really, where was this concern over "outta control government spending" when George W. was fighting two wars while cutting the tax base?

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the attempted repealing of constitutional rights? gun control to be one. Sean can tell you all about that one ;)

c'mon dude the government is getting control over too much its painstakingly obvious to see

ughhhh keeev sooo misinformed you are, the Obama administration has not made any moves towards limiting our 2nd amendment rights, it's not even in their agenda for god's sake. In fact there were pro second amendment rulings in the supreme court to lift the handgun ban's in DC and several other ban areas. It's not the government that constantly tries to restrict our 2nd amendment rights, it's the lobbyist and special interest groups. God daing kev, dude just do a little more research that doesn't involve Fox news. Your parents are a bad news source.

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you forgot the money for the teachers unions, AFSCME, SEIU, UAW, and municipal, state budgets to pay govt employees.

Who in turn, pay dues that the unions use to campaign/donate for/to politicians that will give them more money. Patronage at its highest form, if not down right corruption.

Yeah, I forgot that one of the major tenets of WSJ economics is that when regular people organize for their own benefit that's "socialism," but when business writes their own legislation and hands it to their pet senator to pass into law, well that's just the natural order of the universe. :rolleyes:

You just described Keynesian Economics. It has never worked in the history of the world, it prolonged the great depression...

You do realize that once you get past basic arithmetic all economics is just theory, right? If you judge any theory by the results it produces, I'll take Keynesian economics and the healthy, affluent middle class we had then over the increasingly stratified society we have now. Look around you. Our crappy schools, crumbling infrastructure and decaying civic life are all the result of Laissez-faire, trickle-down I'm dumb that we've been living under since at least Reagan was president. And really, "prolonged the Great Depression" is a joke. Just because you heard it on TV, and everybody you know agrees with it, doesn't mean it's true.

Its all about wages/labor...

Right. A "flexible" work force, huh? That's a euphemism that means 'Do what we say or the plant moves to China.' No wonder white American men are so pissed off. They've been so "flexible" for so long that they've forgotten how to stand up straight and live like men. 'Show up, shut up, do what you're told or you're fired' hardly seems a fit way for a "free" man to live but, hey, a fella can always find some comforting rationalizations watching the nightly hate-speech on Fox 'News,' right? Even though you're legally impotent in the workplace, you can always find a black/gay/liberal scapegoat to blame. Much easier than admitting you have to trade your nutsack for a paycheck! :lol:

Edited by volvotool
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but its ok for the govt to use trickle down?

My school system is excellent, and we are the 149th in spending in CT.

So lets keep the schools under the domain of the Govt?

Bad joojoo. You cant have both.

lets see, Soros invests a cazilian dolars into a brazilian oil company, then obama approves a subsidy to the same corp.?

Ohhh thats right transparency and no lobbyists.

Your outta your mind.

750 billion stimulus. we need 50 more. that tells me the first one didnt work.

and dont tell me its worse than they thought. if they didnt know how bad it was then they are stupid and YOU voted for morons.

black or gay? no. liberal/communist/socialist? you bet your ass.

keep drinking the koolaid. your getting a nice cherry mustache.

Jeez dude what do you do for a living? you sound bitter. Im not impotent in the work [place. if i dont like my job i can leave and find another one. or i can go back to school and retrain for another one. or i can invent something and get rich.

ive done all these so im not sure what you mean. :lol:

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Im not impotent in the work [place. if i dont like my job i can leave and find another one.

There it is in a nutshell. Your sole power in the workplace is the 'freedom' to quit and take another job with the same working conditions. Pretty sad.

Try this: Go up and ask your boss for a change in your working conditions, like flexible hours, or something similarly minor. When your request is declined, then try to organize your workplace to get some worker input for working conditions. Uh oh! Now you've done it! You're a union agitator, now, and your days as an employee there are up. Good luck finding another job, now, with your history as a trouble maker! :lol:

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That's called a shitty boss. He will get shitty employees, be it stupid/lazy who couldn't find any better, or angry smart ones who chose to no longer give it 100%. The group's productivity will suffer, they will not make their goals, and the shitty boss should get canned as well. //end

If your boss sucks, you have the freedom to leave. You do not have any more freedom than that, it's a private entity.

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WAIt, you want me to organize a union so I can strike for a flex schedule or shorter hours?


35 hour work week with the same pay.

SO im supposed to get a job with a company and then tell him his policies suck and he should change it cuz i have to work OT, or 41 hours, or come in at 6 am? See you on the unemployment line cuz no one will hire that shit.

Most companies work on a schedule. A has to happen if B is to happen. So what happens if the maker of A is coming in late?

I have a schedule of appointments, I need to be a certain places at specific times to do a specific task. Its not practical or good biz. Uniformity promotes fairness, productivity, and predictable results.

By the way when you go up to your boss and ask for all this stuff this week, let me know so I can send my unemployed friends up to interview for your job.

Its an employers market last I checked.

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Its an employers market last I checked.

My point exactly.

Show up, shut up, do what you're told. That's how most blue-collar American men spend their working lives. No wonder they're all pissed off. Too bad they're pissed off about all the wrong things.

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All this talk about socialism, and yet the government hasn't done anything socialist. Plllllease look up the definition of socialism and then site specifically what the administration has done that is socialist. I shall prepare my rebuttal.

I would have to disagree with you 100%.

We currently live in a Socialist society.

As Proof I give you some very important facts.

1. We have redistribution of wealth like welfare,financial aid, tax rates based on income levels.

2. We have a government controlled marketplace. They make the rules for the market place. (The banking system or Health care are great examples)

3. We have government controlled companies competing in the marketplace. (Think GM, Freddy, Fanny, Post Office, Amcrack)

Now, to say we have not made a move towards socialism even further under this President and Congress is to simply put your head in the sand with ignorance

1. Bailouts of Banks & Automakers (As well as general stimulus)

2. Healthcare Reform (Government says you have to buy this etc.. etc.. )

3. Whats the deal with the Czars? Oh that is right they are there to "Regulate" (Like Warren G I think)

3. Also, what agendas are they trying to push through currently? Net Neutrality! *Socialist to the core* No, its not your network you can't do what you want we the government should have control! YAR YAR YAR!

Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this

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