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ok captain jackass. you currently have -21, well on your way to needing liquid oxygen when descending to the abyss depths of negative alien life where we all dont give you free health care. Yet the only person who didnt give you a negative point, you decide to fuck in the ass (play last south park episode clip seen below)... hey this guy puts your comments into something resembling normal left wing communism. "Why dont i go a fuck him and rep him down"

Im very sorry you pay so much for health care that doesn't cover RETARDED. We simply just dont have enough to fix your problem.

enjoy south park and have a nice day.


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You sir are a idiot! You should of said luckily you don't have to work for a small company. Incase uyou don't have a tv or news paper not everyone is hiring and alot of people have to take what they can get.

Smaller company doesn't have the leverage to negotiate a good rate for their employee or have the benefits to pick up majority of the cost. That is just a fact of life. The economy is down as this point so if you have to pick a job to support yourself or your family, then don't go here and complaint and bitch about the whole country just because you believe/think healthcare should be free. In U.S, it is a country of opportunity and hard work. Nothing will come easy or free. If you want something, you work hard for it. Unless you win the lottery or lucky to receive inheritance (like Paris Hilton), deal with it. Life ain't fair.

Like other mention, you have a choice. Move to any other country if you despise here and believe free health-care should exist (and entitle to it). Canada is an option and pretty safe to live there. If you strongly believe in free health-care, join the group the support the ideology. There is no free lunch (i hope you heard of that phrase before). You will have to pay for healthcare in one way or another. Either through tax to get your free healthcare or pay premium for health insurance through your company (which is always cheaper then trying to buy individual plan) or on your own. I heard Kaiser provide pretty good option and prices :lol:.

Here, I'll even provide you some link to compare how much it cost if you were to buy it individually then you can compare it against your $150 through your insurance. Remember, monhtly premium isn't everything as you need to compare deductible/copay/yearly limit and what is cover. I been in healthcare industry for 8+ years so I have an idea of what I'm talking about.



In fact, healthcare change already in the work where I live. State and federal reform proposals have resulted in increased accountability for quality and reduced government payments to health care providers.. Government reimbursement for health care is decreasing everyday to health care org. An example: In Oregon, budget cuts mean a 19 percent reduction to our Medicaid reimbursement. That's scheduled to begin this July.

For the company (non-profit) that i worked for, in the past they have passed increased costs on to commercial payers. Now, payers have clearly reached their limit on what they can pay, and it is no longer possible to make up the difference by increasing rates. As they (our company) look to cut $250 million in the next three years, they will consider programs, services and people. What in turns, charity care and financial assistance will take a cut for those under-serve. Our org provide roughly about $150 millions (only Oregon region) to charity/financial assistance write off each year and it's only increase each year.

Sitting here and whining doesn't do anything or help for what you think it should be done. Go out and do something then instead of thinking everyone is wrong stating the obvious fact.

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I think we all realized that as soon as we popped out of the crotch. Breathing is free. FACT

no nothing is truly free, there is a cost associated with everything, not necessarily a financial cost, but somewhere along the lines there is. Now im not gonna argue with you if breathing is free or not, my point is that you cant just say everyone deserves free healthcare without considering the cost it has in other areas and on other people and such.

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I vote we ban all motor vehicles. He can walk to work, otherwise he's supporting those golden paradises in the middle east. And if you're too far from work to walk, move closer.

Where's Two Turtles when we need him laugh.gif

Edited by andyb5
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OP: You know there is a free option right? If you show up to any ER with any lifethreating issue they HAVE to treat you. Its the same thing you are bitching about the redcross doing. Dental and surgery can all fall under emergency medicine.

Free? Really Chuck? I know you know the reality there. We all wind up paying for that free care in higher costs and taxes because the hospital has to make up its loss on those procedures by raising prices for paying customers including the government paid medicare. Either that or the quality of service suffers because the hospital fires some workers or reduces hours to reduce their costs.

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Free? Really Chuck? I know you know the reality there. We all wind up paying for that free care in higher costs and taxes because the hospital has to make up its loss on those procedures by raising prices for paying customers including the government paid medicare. Either that or the quality of service suffers because the hospital fires some workers or reduces hours to reduce their costs.

He is saying it is free to the person that is getting help.

It happens at my wife's hospital. A family comes in after feeding their 4 year old child burgers and milkshakes for the first 3 years of their life.. the kid has heart issues, no one speaks english and they dont have a citizenship. Kid gets helped (sometimes stays days in the hospital) while his family comes and feeds him more burgers and milkshakes... kid leaves when he is feeling better... no charge because they are illegals or they have no perm address.

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He is saying it is free to the person that is getting help.

It happens at my wife's hospital. A family comes in after feeding their 4 year old child burgers and milkshakes for the first 3 years of their life.. the kid has heart issues, no one speaks english and they dont have a citizenship. Kid gets helped (sometimes stays days in the hospital) while his family comes and feeds him more burgers and milkshakes... kid leaves when he is feeling better... no charge because they are illegals or they have no perm address.

Ultimately, they too pay for this free health care. The costs trickle throughout society to legals and illegals, homeless and homeowners. Yes in this particular situation they don't pay but when the corporate account for which the company that employs Mom or Dad does the janitorial service or the landscaping has to reduce costs because their health care premium has gone up yet again, suddenly they negotiate for a cheaper service or they hire a different contractor. Suddenly Mom or Dad is looking for new employment.

The economy is one big closed system of highly connected points and there are no true externalities. In other words, quoting Friedman, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

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Ultimately, they too pay for this free health care. The costs trickle throughout society to legals and illegals, homeless and homeowners. Yes in this particular situation they don't pay but when the corporate account for which the company that employs Mom or Dad does the janitorial service or the landscaping has to reduce costs because their health care premium has gone up yet again, suddenly they negotiate for a cheaper service or they hire a different contractor. Suddenly Mom or Dad is looking for new employment.

The economy is one big closed system of highly connected points and there are no true externalities. In other words, quoting Friedman, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I had a free lunch on my birthday last year.

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Just to be clear I wasn't calling illegal immigrants freeloaders. More than likely they're being exploited.

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Ultimately, they too pay for this free health care. The costs trickle throughout society to legals and illegals, homeless and homeowners. Yes in this particular situation they don't pay but when the corporate account for which the company that employs Mom or Dad does the janitorial service or the landscaping has to reduce costs because their health care premium has gone up yet again, suddenly they negotiate for a cheaper service or they hire a different contractor. Suddenly Mom or Dad is looking for new employment.

The economy is one big closed system of highly connected points and there are no true externalities. In other words, quoting Friedman, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Come back in a few tax brackets and tell me that.

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Come back in a few tax brackets and tell me that.

You're assuming my bracket and your assumption is wrong. There aren't "a few" more tax brackets for me to move through before I hit 35% I'm already paying 33%. (Or at least I would be without a savvy accountant). Percentage wise I pay far more than the bottom two brackets but rising costs will impact them and most likely more severely than they do me. And that's my whole point. The bottom demographic of the economy gets hit hardest in the face of rising costs and that's what the "free health care" scenarios create.

Even still, I'm not sure what your point is here. Are you saying the higher brackets pay a higher than fair portion of the costs through taxes or are you saying the poor actually are accumulating benefits that they have not earned. Either way I agree that one could see it that way - not that I necessarily agree with that viewpoint.

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